Ways To Say Hello In German Question Preview (ID: 43167)

Ways To Say Hello In German. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Guten Morgen
a) Good morning
b) Good day
c) Good evening
d) Hello

Guten Tag
a) Hello
b) Good Morning
c) Good Day
d) Good Evening

Guten Abend
a) Good day
b) Good morning
c) May God greet you
d) Good evening

a) I greet you
b) Hello
c) May God greet you
d) How are you

Grüß Dich
a) Good Morning
b) Hello
c) May God greet you
d) I greet you

Wie geht’s
a) How are you
b) Hello
c) Good evening
d) May God greet you

a) How are you
b) I greet you
c) Hello
d) May God greet you

Grüß Gott
a) May God greet you
b) I greet you
c) Hello
d) How are you

a) Good morning
b) Hello
c) How are you
d) I greet you

Wie geht es dir
a) Good evening
b) May God greet you
c) I greet you
d) How are you

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