Cells Question Preview (ID: 43139)

Cells Cells They Made Of Organelles. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the main function of the mitochondria?
a) Produce glucose with photosynthesis
b) Create ATP (cellular energy)
c) Produce proteins
d) Transport proteins

What is the main function of the vacuole?
a) Remove waste from the cell
b) Package and ship proteins
c) Store water and food for the cell
d) Produce proteins

What is the main function of the golgi apparatus?
a) Package and ship out proteins
b) Transport proteins
c) Store genetic information
d) Produce ATP (cellular energy)

What is the main function of the endoplasmic reticulum?
a) Store genetic information
b) Produce proteins
c) Package and ship out proteins
d) Transport proteins

What is the main function of the cell wall?
a) Provide structural support for the cell?
b) Control what goes into/out of the cell
c) Transport material
d) Remove waste from the cell

What is the main function of the ribosome?
a) Provide structural support for the cell
b) Produce proteins
c) Store genetic information
d) Remove proteins

What is the main function of the chloroplast in plant cells?
a) Control what enters/leaves the cell
b) Produce glucose from photosynthesis
c) Remove waste from the cell
d) Produce proteins

What is the main function of the nucleus?
a) Store water/food
b) Transport proteins
c) Store genetic information
d) Control what enters/leaves the cell

What is the main function of the lysosome?
a) Remove waste from the cell
b) Package proteins
c) Control what enters/leaves the cell
d) Store genetic information

What is the main function of the cell membrane?
a) Create ATP (cellular energy)
b) Produce glucose with photosynthesis
c) Transport proteins
d) Controls what enters and exits the cell

What is the function of the ribosome?
a) Transport proteins
b) Package and ship proteins
c) Produce proteins
d) Flex proteins

Without the mitochondria, the eukaryotic cell would not be able to...
a) Control what enters/leaves the cell
b) Package proteins
c) Store genetic information
d) Create energy (ATP)

Dr. Jilly McWoobear found a cell with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles. This cell is...
a) Zookaryotic
b) Bacteria
c) Eukaryotic
d) Prokaryotic

Professor Dude found a cell with no membrane bound organelles. This is a...
a) Prokaryotic cell
b) Eukaryotic cell
c) Plant cell
d) Animal cell

Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have DNA
a) True
b) False

The cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell
a) True
b) False

I can find a Golgi Apparatus in a bacteria cell
a) True
b) False

Both plant and animal cells have a nucleus
a) True
b) False

Where is the DNA located in a human cell
a) nucleus
b) cytoplasm
c) mitochondria
d) chloroplast

Prokaryotic cells are more complex than Eukaryotic cells
a) False
b) True

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