World Geography - Unit 1 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 43135)

Unit 1 Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An area defined by popular feelings or images by those who live near or in the area.
a) Perceptual Region
b) Functional Region
c) Physical Region
d) None of the Above

A structured collection of records or data that is stored in computer system. Allows analysis and sharing of large amounts of information.
a) Maps/Globe
b) Computer Databases
c) Map Projection
d) Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

A mathematical formula used to represent the curved surface of the Earth on the flat surface of a map.
a) Map Projection
b) Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
c) Globe
d) Absolute Location

Map that shows the boundaries between countries or states.
a) Satellite
b) Thematic
c) Political
d) Physical

The exact spot at which a place is found on the globe; can be found by using latitude longitude or an address.
a) Thematic Location
b) Relative Location
c) Geographic Location
d) Absolute Location

A software program used to make and manipulate maps and data. Information is kept as a separate electronic layer.
a) Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
b) Globe
c) Satellite Image
d) Photographs/Videos

Maps Globes, Field Research, Photography/Videos, Charts Graphs, Primary Sources, Satellite Imagery, Computer Databases, GIS
a) Themes of Geography
b) Geographic Sources
c) Primary Sources
d) Human-Environment Interaction

A map that emphasizes a single idea or a particular kind of information about an area.
a) Thematic
b) Perceptual
c) Physical
d) Political

A central place and the surrounding territory linked to it.
a) Perceptual Region
b) Relative Location
c) Functional Region
d) Formal Region

A document, recording or other source of information created with direct personal knowledge. It serves as an original source of information about the topic. (journals, videos, photographs, letters)
a) Primary Sources
b) Secondary Sources
c) Themes of Geography
d) None of the Above

Relatively inexpensive way to show details such as the shape of the land, what plants cover an area, and how land is being used. High speeds and zoom can show what's not normally available to the naked eye.
a) Satellite Images
b) Geographic Information System (GIS)
c) Photographs/Videos
d) Maps/Globes

Map that shows a small area with large details.
a) Small-Scale Map
b) Large-Scale Map
c) Medium-Scale Map
d) None of the Above

Identified by a direction indicator (e.g. compass rose)
a) Relative Location
b) Field Word
c) Satellite Images
d) Map Orientation

Location in relation to other places.
a) Relative
b) Absolute
c) Physical
d) Human

The collection of raw data.
a) Field Work
b) Satellite Images
c) Computer Databases
d) Charts/Graphs

Traditionally used representations of the world that can be used to show whole world at once.
a) Photographs/Videos
b) Maps/Globes
c) Computer Databases
d) Charts/Graphs

Location, Place, Region, Movement, Human-Environment Interaction
a) Geographic Sources
b) Primary Sources
c) Themes of Geography
d) None of the Above

Pictorial representation of the shape of the Earth's physical land water features.
a) Physical Map
b) Political Map
c) Thematic Map
d) None of the Above

Name for 0 degrees longitude. Divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres.
a) Prime Meridian
b) Equator
c) Arctic Circle
d) Tropic of Cancer

An area identified by a common characteristic; officially recognized.
a) Perceptual Region
b) Formal Region
c) Physical Region
d) None of the Above

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