To Kill A Mockingbird Review Question Preview (ID: 43134)

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Aunt Alexandra says that BACKGROUND is
a) how much money your family has
b) how long your family has been squatting on one piece of land
c) how important your family is
d) how intelligent the members of your family are

In Atticus's closing remarks, he says a court is no better than
a) its judge
b) the members of the jury
c) the Supreme Court
d) the lawyers

Scout fights with Walter Cunningham in the school yard for making her 'start off on the wrong foot.'
a) True
b) False

When Jem was reading to Mrs. Dubose, she was trying to free herself from
a) being mean
b) the fear of death
c) her morphine addiction
d) Maycomb County

Several years earlier Boo Radley had stabbed the sheriff in the leg with a pair of scissors.
a) True
b) False

A neighbour who blames bad kids for snowfall is ___________________.
a) Mr. Avery
b) Dolphus Raymond
c) Braxton Underwood
d) Miss Rachel Haverford

During the time period of the novel, the USA was suffering through
a) a major foreign war
b) the Great Depression
c) a civil war
d) an especially good economic condition

After the trial, Dill says that when he grows up, he wants to be a ___________.
a) clown
b) lawyer
c) doctor
d) bum

According to the gossip, the Radleys keep Boo at home because ....
a) he is violent and would hurt others - after all he eats raw squirrels.
b) his mother needs his help with the chores.
c) Boo never learned to walk.
d) he is afraid of all the black people in town.

Aunt Alexandra feels Atticus should NOT do which of the following?
a) make Scout act like a lady
b) raise his children differently
c) let Calpurnia go (fire her)
d) REALLY try to defend Tom Robinson

She was a friendly lady who worked in her flower beds wearing an old straw hat and men's overalls.
a) Miss Maudie Atkinson
b) Miss Caroline Fisher
c) Burris Ewell
d) Charles Baker Harris

Miss Caroline's handling of Burris Ewell reflects her...
a) good understanding of poor children.
b) knowledge of school law.
c) special treatment of boys.
d) lack of understanding of the town and its children.

Atticus believes that people like the Ewells should be forced to follow the rules of society.
a) True
b) False

It is logical that Boo Radley would have been the one to save the children because...
a) he was fond of them and often left them treasures.
b) he watched their comings and goings from his house.
c) they had to pass his yard on their way home from the pageant.
d) all of these.

Bob Ewell takes revenge ONLY on Atticus and his family.
a) True
b) False

Many of the townspeople are upset because...
a) Atticus really intends to defend Tom.
b) Atticus doesn't seem to be trying to get Tom off.
c) Atticus let the blacks into the courtroom.
d) so few people were allowed to attend the trial.

Calpurnia's son who 'lines' hymns at First Purchase.
a) Mr. Walter Cunningham
b) Mr. Glimer
c) Zeebo
d) Harper Lee

Atticus cements the hole in the tree when he learns that Boo Radley has been leaving things in it for the children.
a) True
b) False

Officially, no rape charge should have been given because...
a) Mayella was not pregnant.
b) no one called a doctor to check Mayella.
c) rape was legal in the South.
d) the bruising was worse than the rape.

The story takes place in a small town in the Midwest - somewhere in Kansas.
a) True
b) False

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