Who Is Marty Preston? Question Preview (ID: 43078)

Shiloh. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who owns the dog?
a) Marty's friend David owns the dog.
b) Marty's dad thinks the dog belongs to Judd Travers.
c) The dog is Marty's because of the finders keepers rule.
d) The dog doesn't have an owner.

How does Marty get Shiloh to come to him?
a) Marty gets Shiloh to come to him by saying HERE BOY.
b) Marty gets Shiloh to come to him by yelling.
c) Marty gets Shiloh to come to him by whistling.
d) Marty gets Shiloh to come to him by clapping his hands.

What breed of dog is Shiloh?
a) Shiloh is a poodle.
b) Shiloh is a boxer.
c) Shiloh is a husky.
d) Shiloh is a beagle.

Why can't Marty have a dog?
a) Marty cannot have a dog because Dara Lynn is allergic to dogs.
b) Marty cannot have a dog because his mom is afraid of dogs.
c) Marty cannot have a dog because his family doesn't have enough money.
d) Marty cannot have a dog because his family already has too many cats.

What won't Marty shoot with his rifle?
a) Marty will not shoot apples.
b) Marty will not shoot cans.
c) Marty will not shoot tree branches.
d) Marty will not shoot animals.

How old is Marty?
a) Marty is 10 years old.
b) Marty is 11 years old.
c) Marty is 12 years old.
d) Marty is 13 years old.

When is Marty's favorite time of day to take a walk?
a) Marty's favorite time of day to walk is in the morning.
b) Marty's favorite time of day to walk is in the afternoon.
c) Marty's favorite time of day to walk is after dinner.
d) Marty's favorite time of day to walk is at night.

What season is it when Marty meets the abused dog that he names Shiloh?
a) Marty meets Shiloh in the winter.
b) Marty meets Shiloh in the spring.
c) Marty meets Shiloh in the summer.
d) Marty meets Shiloh in the fall.

Where does Marty live?
a) Marty lives up in the hills above Friendly, Pennsylvania.
b) Marty lives up in the hills above Friendly, New Jersey.
c) Marty lives up in the hills above Friendly, West Virginia.
d) Marty lives up in the hills above Friendly, Virginia.

Who else lives with Marty?
a) Marty lives with Ma, Dad, Dara Lynn, and Becky.
b) Marty lives with Ma, Dad, and Dara Lynn.
c) Marty lives with Ma, Dad, and Becky.
d) Marty lives with Ma and Dad.

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