GCSE CS Paper 2 Theory Quiz Question Preview (ID: 43044)

GCSE CS Paper 2 Theory Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A way to maintain code
a) Comments and indentation
b) comments and running the code
c) indenting the code and using functions
d) looping the code and using indents

Sanitisation is
a) stripping the string ro remove unwanted characters
b) Deleting a string
c) Swapping a string with another string
d) Updating a string with validation

Validation is
a) a computer check to ensure data entered is reasonable
b) a computer check to check it is correct
c) a visual check on screen to see if it matches the source
d) a human check to see if data entered twice

a check to see if it is within the limits
a) range check
b) type check
c) lookup check
d) format check

a check to see if it is the correct datatype
a) type check
b) range check
c) presence check
d) format check

Start at the left, compare to 2nd number, if 2nd smaller, swap, go to next one in list etc.
a) merge sort
b) bubble sort
c) linear sort
d) insertion sort

A binary search can be carried out if unsorted
a) True
b) False

Compare the first number and second number. Swap them if left side is larger to sort
a) Bubble Sort
b) Insertion sort
c) Merge sort
d) Binary sort

Split the list into single lists and then combine and sort, combine and sort, combine and sort
a) merge sort
b) binary search
c) linear search
d) bubble sort

One way of displaying an algorithm is a
a) flowchart
b) drawing
c) sketch
d) essay

Compare each item 1 by 1 to see if it matches
a) linear search
b) binary search
c) bubble search
d) insertion search

It splits an array into halves, look at middle value and take the split left to right depending on the searched letter or number
a) binary search
b) linear search
c) bubble search
d) divide search

An algorithm is
a) A sequence of steps carried out to solve a problem
b) a looped program
c) An iteration
d) decomposition

1 feature of abstraction
a) Break the problem into smaller problems
b) Find patterns and similarities
c) Develop solutions for more than 1 problem
d) Used for abstract art in computers

Breaking a large problem into sub problems is called
a) decomposition
b) abstraction
c) computational thinking
d) algorithm

Abstraction is
a) removing unnecessary details to make the problem easier to solve
b) making the problem into subproblems
c) another word for iteration
d) looping a problem so it returns a result

3 components of computational thinking is
a) abstraction, decomposition and algorithmic thinking
b) abstruction, composition and numerical thinking
c) obstruction, brain, arithmetic logic unit
d) computer, cpu, processing

An authentication method is
a) Biometric
b) shoeprint
c) Locked safe
d) Encryption

2 way factor authentication is
a) Having username and password and phone code sent to mobiles
b) A door with 2 locks
c) A safe with 2 sets of combinations
d) 2 methods of prevention

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