Python Question Preview (ID: 43040)

Python Programming. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When you have multiple if's it becomes
a) elif
b) elseif
c) endif
d) else

When you move the code inwards after an IF statement
a) move
b) indent
c) left
d) arrow

You can use this python command to create a condition
a) if
b) def
c) run
d) print

The modulus is the
a) remainder
b) number
c) string
d) concatenation

time.sleep will allow you to
a) pause
b) quit
c) close
d) open

.lower will allow the letters to be in
a) lowercase
b) uppercase
c) capitalise
d) sentence

What stores information in a program
a) variable
b) memory stick
c) process
d) output

A string can contain characters, letters and
a) numbers
b) characters
c) string
d) integers

A rectangle shape in a flowchart is
a) rectangle
b) process
c) procedure
d) function

There are 2 kinds of loops, a for loop and a
a) while
b) for
c) repeat
d) honey nut

A loop is also known as
a) iteration
b) groundhog
c) circle
d) round

A symbol that allows you to connect one flow chart to another is called
a) connector
b) terminator
c) while
d) for

A terminator also means
a) stop
b) connector
c) process
d) delay

When you join 2 variables together in a string is called
a) concatenation
b) adjoination
c) casting
d) iteration

A datatype for money is
a) float
b) integer
c) number
d) currency

A datatype for whole number is
a) integer
b) float
c) real
d) number

A python statement that collects data from a user uses which command?
a) input
b) output
c) print
d) variable

An output statement starts with which command?
a) print
b) input
c) if
d) while

You can # tag the code and this explains what it does
a) comment
b) red text
c) sentence
d) title

A parallelogram in a flow chart is either an input or
a) output
b) subroutine
c) condition
d) process

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