USII.3b #1 Question Preview (ID: 43022)

Reconstruction. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Freedmen's Bureau focused on providing aid to —
a) former Confederate soldiers
b) prisoners of war
c) former slaves
d) Southern politicians

Which headline would have most likely occurred immediately after the Reconstruction period ended?
a) Federal Troops Leave the South
b) Civil Rights Act Helps Former Slaves
c) The Freedmen's Bureau is Established
d) The Black Codes Limit Freedoms of Former Slaves

Black codes were designed to —
a) stop discrimination against African Americans
b) limit the rights of African Americans
c) help African Americans find jobs
d) end slavery completely

Identify one ways Southern legislators made it harder for African Americans to vote in elections during Reconstruction.
a) People had to present their birth certificate before voting.
b) People had to prove that they had held a steady job for two years before voting.
c) People had to pass a literacy test before voting.
d) People had to get two white citizens to vouch for their honesty and integrity before voting.

During Reconstruction, Southerners were —
a) forced to obey the carpetbaggers
b) not allowed to own land
c) supervised by Federal soldiers
d) not allowed to vote in national elections

What describes the list: Southern military leaders couldn't hold office; Union Soldiers were sent to supervise the South; African Americans could hold public office; the Freedman Bureau was established.
a) Reconstruction Policies
b) Jim Crow Laws
c) Confederate Laws
d) Civil War Policies

Which statement bests represents a Black Code?
a) African Americans were not allowed to move to another state.
b) African Americans were not allowed to own land.
c) African Americans were not allowed to be sharecroppers.
d) African Americans were not allowed to gather in groups in public places.

A person from one of the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from Reconstruction.
a) Unionists
b) Carpetbaggers
c) Abolitionists
d) Confederates

What was NOT an effect created by the movement of two million African Americans from the South during the Reconstruction period?
a) African American men found work in the North easily, but their female counterparts struggled to locate work.
b) African American migrants from the South tended to cluster around and within existing African American communities in their n
c) States bordering the South received the largest influx of new residents.
d) Newly freed slaves migrated predominantly to urban areas.

Which of the following statements about the three Reconstruction Plans is NOT correct?
a) The Congressional Plan, or Radical Republican Plan, was meant to aid newly freed slaves (known as freedmen) and to punish the
b) Lincoln’s plan was known as the 10% Plan.
c) Johnson’s plan passed a series of laws known as The Reconstruction Acts.
d) The Reconstruction Acts basically divided the South into 5 military districts with the military commander of the district giv

Which of the following statements is true regarding reconstruction in the South?
a) Plantation owners gave away small sections of their land to their former slaves.
b) Newly freed slaves had multiple well-paying job opportunities now that they were free.
c) Freed slaves had experience in running farms which made attaining jobs easy.
d) Freed slaves took jobs as share croppers on their former plantations.

After the Civil War, slaves were suddenly given their freedom and were called the freedman. What was life NOT like for these freedmen during Reconstruction?
a) The Freedmen's Bureau was established which helped establish a system of wage labor.
b) Groups like the Ku Klux Klan worked to improve the economic conditions of the freed slaves.
c) Freed slaves had little to no money or clothing.
d) Most former slaves became sharecroppers or tenant farmers.

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