USII.4a #2 Question Preview (ID: 43015)

Westward Expansion. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which statement best reflects the beliefs of the American government about American Indians moving to reservations.
a) American Indians would be free to leave if they wanted to if they lived on reservations.
b) The American government wanted the American Indians land for use by settlers.
c) American Indian children could receive a better education on a reservation.
d) American government would not have to help American Indians if they live on reservations.

Which of the following is an example of an American Indian attempt at assimilation?
a) Wearing Native American jewelry and clothing
b) Going to Canada to avoid relocation to a reservation
c) Being a warrior at the Battle of Little Big Horn
d) Learning to speak the English language

The United States relocation policy resulted in American Indians being —
a) sent to live in foreign nations
b) taught to become factory workers
c) ordered to leave traditional lands
d) forced to trade with foreign nations

General George Armstrong Custer and the 7th Cavalry were defeated at the —
a) Battle of Wabash
b) Battle of Wounded Knee
c) Battle of Fallen Timbers
d) Battle of Little Bighorn

Which event marked the end of the conflicts with American Indians?
a) Battle of Little Bighorn
b) Plight of the Nez Percé
c) Battle of Wounded Knee
d) Chivington Massacre

Which is NOT an effect of the CA Gold Rush?
a) Increased westward migration across the U.S.
b) Improved trails and road systems across the U.S.
c) Established urban areas in western U.S.
d) Heightened immigration into the U.S.

Which of the following was NOT an impact on the American Indians during U.S. Westward Expansion?
a) Forced relocation of American Indians from traditional lands to reservations
b) Decreased American Indian population due to warfare and diseases
c) Assimilation attempts like the Dawes Act and lifestyle changes
d) Increased enrollment in universities of American Indians

Which group of people favored the relocation of American Indians to reservations?
a) American Indians
b) African Americans
c) Chinese immigrants
d) Settlers moving west

Why did people move west after the Civil War?
a) interested in settling California
b) wanted to learn about the Native Americans
c) wanted to search for gold and silver
d) wanted to spread religion

Why did Chief Joseph say I will fight no more forever?
a) To save his tribe from the Canadian Calvary.
b) To save his tribe even though it meant moving back to the Great Plains.
c) To save his tribe even though it meant living on a reservation.
d) To save his tribe from being attacked by the Apache Indians.

Westward expansion had the most negative effect on which group of people?
a) European immigrants
b) American Indians
c) Southern farmers
d) African Americans

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