The Water Cycle Question Preview (ID: 42996)

Use These Questions To Test Your Knowledge On The Water Cycle! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When water condenses what is happening in the atmosphere?
a) temperature decreases; the water vapor is losing energy
b) temperature increases; the water vapor increases its energy
c) temperature decreases; the water vapor increases its energy
d) temperature increases; the water vapor is losing energy

How are evaporation and transpiration similar?
a) Heat energy from the sun heats up water to form a water vapor
b) They are both the same thing
c) The water is in plants and is turned into water vapor
d) The water is in oceans, ponds, streams, lakes and rivers and is then turned into water vapor

What are examples of precipitation?
a) Rain, hail, snow, sleet
b) Rain
c) Rain and snow
d) Rain and condensation

What is condensation?
a) The process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water
b) When the sun heats up water and is turned into water vapor
c) when water falls to the earth's surface
d) when water runs over the lands surface

What is transpiration?
a) Plants losing water to the air
b) when heat energy from the sun heats water and it turns into a gas
c) When water vapor turns into clouds
d) when water is flowing over land

What is precipitation?
a) A form of water that falls to the earths surface
b) when heat energy from the sun heats water into water vapor
c) water in liquid form that falls to the earths surface
d) when snow melt goes into the ocean

What is runoff?
a) Water from rain, snowmelt etc. that flows over the land surface
b) Water from rain, snowmelt etc. that infiltrates the ground
c) Rain or snow that falls into lakes or streams
d) Water that goes down mountains

What is evaporation?
a) When water changes from a liquid to a gas
b) When water vapor forms clouds
c) When water from plants heats up to a gas
d) when water falls to the ground

What is the main source of energy in the water cycle?
a) Sun
b) Moon
c) Water
d) Ground

Transpiration is like what human process?
a) perspiration
b) hair growing
c) circulatory system
d) Heart pumping

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