Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 42992)

Environmental Science - Plate Tectonics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

10. The theory of continental drift was proposed by Alfred Wegner based on what observation?
a) He saw that continents edges fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
b) He noticed the continents were in motion.
c) He observed Earth's average temperature increasing.
d) He observed volcanoes were creating new crust.

9. All of the following support the theory of continental drift except that
a) there are similar fossils on different continents.
b) the continents seem to fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
c) the North Pole and Antarctica are covered with ice.
d) mountain ranges in South America and Africa line up.

8. Which of the following features is created when tectonic plates collide?
a) mountains
b) valleys
c) oceans
d) sinkholes

7. At transform boundaries, tectonic plates _______.
a) slide past each other
b) collide
c) move away from each other
d) do not move

6. Which of the following features is found along divergent plate boundaries?
a) mid-ocean ridges
b) folded mountains
c) island arcs
d) ocean trenches

5. Convergent plate boundaries ________.
a) pull apart
b) slide past each other
c) collide
d) do not move

4. How has Earth changed over time?
a) The Earth's orbit has changed with Jupiter.
b) All of the animals have become extinct.
c) The continents have moved.
d) It has not changed.

1. The lithosphere is made up of the
a) mantle and crust
b) crust and outer core
c) upper and lower mantle
d) inner core

2. The layer of Earth that is the only liquid layer is the
a) inner core
b) outer core
c) crust
d) lithosphere

3. The continents of Earth were clustered together in formation which was called
a) countries
b) oceans
c) continents
d) Pangea

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