México - Parte 1 Question Preview (ID: 42964)

México - Parte 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mexico is in the southern portion of ___.
a) United States
b) Guatemala
c) Europe
d) North America

Mexico is bordered to the north by ___.
a) Canada
b) United States
c) Guatemala
d) Puerto Rico

Mexico is bordered to the southeast by ___.
a) Guatemala
b) United States
c) Canada
d) Mexico

Mexico is the ___ largest country in the Americas
a) 5th
b) 10th
c) 13th
d) 15th

Mexico is the ___ largest country in the world.
a) 5th
b) 10th
c) 13th
d) 15th

What is Pre-Columbian Mexico?
a) Two advanced pre-Columbian civilizations in Mexico.
b) 13th
c) North America
d) Mexico as it existed before Christopher Columbus and the other explorers arrived.

Who are the Mayans and the Aztecs?
a) Mexico as it existed before Christopher Columbus and the other explorers arrived.
b) Advanced pre-Columbian civilizations in Mexico.
c) Guatemala
d) North America

True or False - Mexico is part of South America.
a) T
b) F

True or False - The capital of Mexico is Mexico City.
a) T
b) F

True or False - Mexico is north of the United States.
a) T
b) F

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