Grade 8 Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 42945)

Exam Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Italian Renaissance spread to northern Europe in all but one of the following ways:
a) Artists developed new techniques and ideas which were adapted by other artists.
b) Feudalism in the lands beyond Italy supported an agricultural society.
c) Writers and philosophers expressed ideas that showed changing worldviews.
d) Scientists began to use scientific observation and apply their findings to everyday life.

Life for serfs living under the manor system in medieval times would have mostly focused on:
a) Looking for educational opportunities.
b) Showing obedience to the lord of the manor.
c) Fighting for the lord of the manor.
d) Training as artisans in the towns

Which statement about the Crusades is not correct?
a) It was a Christian military expedition
b) Trade between Italian cities and the East was established.
c) It was a set of values meant to govern the behaviour of Christian soldiers
d) It was a campaign to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land.

The meaning of the term, ‘Renaissance’ suggests that many of the humanist writers and artists were influenced by
a) ideas and teaching of the Middle Ages.
b) new cultures encountered in the Americas
c) knowledge and teachings of Classical Greece and Rome
d) cultures of Asia and the Far East

Which of the following statements about the ‘Age of Exploration’ is correct?
a) Technological advances in navigation gave explorers the means to explore.
b) Explorers were motivated by the wish to expand trade with the Americas
c) There was competition among the Italian city-states for power.
d) The country’s or state’s goal was to increase its power and territory

In the centuries which followed the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, creoles, mestizos and Indigenous peoples are terms which best describe the
a) Economic classes of Mexico.
b) Origin of the Mexican population
c) Variety of religious beliefs in Mexico.
d) Political structure of Mexican government

When the Spanish under Cortes first encountered the indigenous people in Mexico, which feature of the Aztec Empire most impressed the Spanish?
a) The trading network which had been established by the Aztecs.
b) The success of the Aztec military in the battle of Tenochtitlan
c) The power of Moctezuma over the people of the Aztec Empire
d) The complexity, technology, wealth and the large population of Tenochtitlan

A major result of the Spanish re-conquest of Spain from Muslim invaders was the creation of a Spanish society which
a) Encouraged a variety of ethnic and religious groups.
b) Allowed Muslin, Jewish and Spanish groups to live together
c) Prevented the worship of religions other than Christianity.
d) Ceased expansion in order to improve the Spanish economy

The name at the top of the feudal system of the Catholic Church is:
a) Duke
b) Crown
c) Pope
d) Archdiocese

The name at the bottom of the feudal system of the Catholic Church is
a) Serfs
b) Alter boys/girls
c) Parishioners
d) Missionaries

The economy established in New Spain after the conquest of the Aztecs had the primary purpose of
a) Creating wealth by starting a wide variety of industries.
b) Using the labour of Indigenous people to enrich the conquerors
c) Enriching the leaders of the Aztec community at the expense of the common people.
d) Allowing settlers to move to Mexico from Spain to work themselves on newly-created farms.

The main goal of education in Aztec society was to
a) Create loyal citizens who understand and are proud of their culture, to strengthen the state.
b) Allow citizens to explore their interests and have freedoms to use their talents.
c) Teach children about other cultures and civilization beyond Tenochtlitan.
d) Encourage students to be independent, critical thinkers

The factor that helped King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella the most in developing the power of the Spanish Monarch was
a) Reducing the power of the church.
b) Reducing the power of the Conquistadors
c) Making sure that Spain would be unified under the Roman Catholic religion
d) Making sure the Spanish nobility maintained their power.

Which of the following was not a factor that contributed to the Aztec downfall?
a) Spanish weaponry.
b) Spanish strategies
c) Exposure to smallpox.
d) Aztec military training.

Traditional Japanese and Aztec worldviews were similar because in each worldview they believed that
a) The people of their nation were favoured by the gods.
b) The destiny of their nation was to conquer the world.
c) Political leaders were ordinary human beings worthy of respect
d) Economic growth and trade were less important than creating an empire

Which of the following statements describes a disadvantage of the island location of Japan?
a) An island location helped to protect Japan from foreign invaders.
b) Since Japan is an island, the resources of the sea helped to feed and employ the Japanese people.
c) An island location allowed Japan to close itself to foreign influences
d) Since Japan is an island, trade and contact with other nations is more difficult.

The European traders who were still allowed some contact with Edo Japan despite the Exclusion Laws were
a) English, French, Germans
b) French, Americans, Spanish
c) Swedish, Danish, Italians
d) Dutch, Chinese, Koreans

What geographic feature of Japan was the greatest factor in aiding the long-term success of the policy of isolation begun by the leaders of Edo Japan?
a) The rugged mountains of Japan
b) The frequent natural disasters which occurred in Japan
c) The island location of the nation of Japan
d) The limited number of natural resources in Japan

Which of the following characteristics of Japan was most useful in Japanese modernization?
a) Japan’s isolated locations in the world
b) The limited amount of arable land in Japan promoted efficient agriculture
c) The religious traditions of the Japanese encouraged change
d) Japan’s practice of borrowing and adapting from other cultures.

The United States wanted trade relations with Japan because they wanted
a) To introduce new technologies to the Japanese people.
b) To prevent the Dutch and Russians from trading with them
c) To utilize the Japanese resources of coal at one of the Japanese ports
d) To free the Japanese from the isolation policy

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