Figurative Language Question Preview (ID: 42943)

Read Each Sentence. Which Type Of Figurative Language Is Being Used? TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The giant's steps were thunder as he ran toward Jack.
a) metaphor
b) simile
c) alliteration
d) personification

The fish was a slippery eel in the fish tank.
a) metaphor
b) alliteration
c) simile
d) hyperbole

Carrie's cat clawed her couch.
a) alliteration
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) personification

Love is like a ghost.
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) alliteration
d) hyperbole

I think I caught a cold.
a) idiom
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) personification

She was as proud as a peacock.
a) simile
b) Alliteration
c) personification
d) Metaphor

She cried a river of tears.
a) hyperbole
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) personification

Dan's dog dove deep in the dam.
a) alliteration
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) hyperbole

The fluorescent light is the sun in Mrs. Brite's room.
a) metaphor
b) simile
c) alliteration
d) personification

The rain danced on the roof.
a) personification
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) onomatopoeia

Porky pig
a) alliteration
b) metaphor
c) hyperbole
d) simile

Mat was dying to go to the party.
a) hyperbole
b) simile
c) personification
d) alliteration

The pig said oink.
a) onomatopoeia
b) alliteration
c) hyberbole
d) metaphor

You could have knocked me over with a feather.
a) hyperbole
b) metaphor
c) onomatopoeia
d) personification

The sunflowers nodded their little yellow heads to the sun.
a) personification
b) hyperbole
c) simile
d) alliteration

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