Capitalization 1 Question Preview (ID: 42940)

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Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) The only two people who came were breck and me.
b) Robert Frost wrote, At Woodwards's Garden.
c) Last summer i read the Greatest Miracle in the World.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Are sherry and I invited?
b) The musical, oklahoma has been performed many times.
c) Do I need to sing Amazing Grace for you?

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Has Tommy finished?
b) His mother read him Goldilocks and the three bears.
c) Mr. jones read his book daily.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Her favorite poem is If by Rudyard Kipling.
b) Billy coleman called me last night.
c) we read our books for each class.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Please ask Dad to help us.
b) Last week we celebrated thanksgiving.
c) is Monday the last day of the trip?

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Did Mom go to the store?
b) Does grandpa Grovers belong to the Lion's Club?
c) please give to the american red cross.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Every Wednesday, Grandma and I have lunch.
b) Was Aunt Jean born on valentine's Day?
c) In march, General Frampton will speak to their class.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Have you seen Principal Grady here today?
b) I went to the christmas eve service.
c) I went to see the Washington tunnel.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) The name of our school is Iola Middle School.
b) We gave mom a rose for her present.
c) We gave mom a rose for her present.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
a) Where is the Great Smoky Mountain National Park?
b) Last year they went to wrigley field in Chicago.
c) Joan attended a junior High school.

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