Grade 7 Review #2 Question Preview (ID: 42939)

Second Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What difficulties did the new immigrants face?
a) Diseases aboard the ships on the way to Canada.
b) Clearing the dense vegetation on their land once they arrived in Canada.
c) The rugged environment found in Canada
d) All of the above.

Between 1815 and 1850, more than 800, 000 immigrants came to British North America during the Great Migration. A “push factor” for people to leave their homelands was:
a) The famine in Ireland.
b) Jobs and land in British colonies were available
c) Ocean travel was the only means of travel.
d) The colonies offered free land and a chance for a better life

One reason why the War of 1812 began was:
a) The French stopped trading with the British
b) American sailors were kidnapped by the British.
c) Americans stopped trading with the First Nations
d) The American support the First Nations land claims.

The Quebec Act of 1774, had many effects upon the colony in Canada. The most important of these effects was:
a) The creation of a unified colony
b) The British colonists’ rights were protected
c) The beginning of bilingualism in Canada.
d) A large area of land was set aside for the First Nations

The Quebec Act of 1774 recognized that
a) Canadiens were not going to be assimilated easily.
b) French language needed to be allowed.
c) Catholic Church was important to the Canadiens
d) All of the Above.

The Native Peoples first helped the French explorers that were called:
a) A) Runners of the Wood
b) B) Coureurs de Bois
c) C) Sovereign Council
d) E) Both A and B

As a result of the Royal Proclamation of 1763:
a) The Province of Ontario was created.
b) Assimilation of the Canadien people was attempted.
c) The interior of North America was set aside for the people of the 13 colonies.
d) The Catholic Church would remain unchanged in the colony

The Barter System of trade relied upon:
a) The sale of guns, knives and utensils.
b) Groups trading goods for other goods they needed.
c) Money and coins to trade for goods
d) D) None of the above.

The First Nations people were:
a) Inexperienced in trade and had difficulty with trading with Europeans.
b) Experienced traders because they had already been trading with each other.
c) Experienced because they traded goods with the Vikings when they visited North America in 1000 AD.
d) Unwilling to trade with Europeans

The competition for land and resources in North America was between two main countries, ______________ and _________________.
a) France/Britain
b) France/Spain
c) Britain/Portugal
d) Portugal/Spain

As a result of the Treaty of Paris signed in 1763,
a) France gave up any claim on Quebec or any other part of North America.
b) Britain recognized the United States as independent.
c) Acadia was given to France
d) France was allowed to keep control of Louisburg.

The “Coureurs de Bois”, Radissons and des Grosseilleurs are well known in the history of a famous Canadian company. This was because
a) They were fur traders.
b) They developed their relationships with, and were among, the First Nations people.
c) Their extensive knowledge of the wilderness led them to explore the Hudson Bay and surrounding area.
d) Their explorations of Hudson Bay led to the establishment of the Hudson’s Bay Company.

The society of the Haudenosaunee was matrilineal, which means that:
a) Women chose who they would marry
b) Women grew wild rice
c) A Woman was the head of each longhouse
d) Women hunted smaller animals

The tradition of stories and legends being handed down from First Nations Elders to children established:
a) An oral culture
b) A written history
c) A need for legends
d) A story culture

European cultures sometimes judged other cultures using European values and beliefs. The attitude can be described as:
a) Individualistic
b) Ethnocentric
c) Multicultural
d) Unilingual

Responsible government became a possibility when:
a) The Durham report was published.
b) The Rebellion Loses Bill was passed by Lord Elgin.
c) The leadership of the new government was established under Lord Durham.
d) None of the Above

The passing of the British North American Act (BNA Act) in 1867, in British Parliament established:
a) The Dominion of Canada.
b) The United Colonies of Great Britain
c) The Head of State for the new colonies
d) A New British North America.

The term Metis is used when describing a distinct cultural group who have mixed
a) First Nations and Asian ancestry
b) African and First Nations ancestry
c) First Nations and European ancestry
d) American and European ancestry

Which four colonies joined to create the Dominion of Canada in 1867?
a) Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland
b) Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland
c) Quebec, Ontario, B.C. and Manitoba
d) Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

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