SS 9 Final Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 42897)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A table is an example of a
a) Good
b) Service

What is Quality of Life?
a) an economic theory that links prosperity to consumer demand for goods and services, and that makes consumer behaviour central
b) Life- a measure of personal and collective well-being; the conditions in a person’s life
c) is a theory of economics that encourages people to buy more “things” that they “need” to be happy
d) How happy you are

The economic term 'scarcity' is based on the idea of:
a) recession proof investments
b) Diminished Returns
c) Limited Resources
d) Price inflation

Through which of the following can provinces with particular needs specify that they would like immigrants with particular skills?
a) Provincial Legislative Accord
b) Provincial Nomination Program
c) Provincial government agenda
d) Provincial Minister of Immigration

Which of the following is a person who must move to another country in order to be safe and free of persecution?
a) Immigrant
b) citizen
c) humanitarian
d) Refugee

The point system does not decide who is accepted into Canada based on
a) Skills or education
b) Age and health
c) Race or country of origin
d) Language

Which of the following is a way in which Canada tried to discourage immigration of people from China?
a) point system
b) Canada-Quebec Accord
c) head tax
d) health requirements

Which one of the following is a criteria used to decide who is accepted as an immigrant to Canada?
a) Point system
b) Citizenship and immigration
c) labor force growth
d) Statistics Canada

The belief that one’s culture is superior to all others.
a) Patriate
b) Sovereignty
c) Autonomy
d) Ethnocentrism

. Land for the exclusive use of the First Nations peoples.
a) Integrate
b) Assimilate
c) Reservations
d) treaties

French speaking people in Alberta belong to one of Canada’s official language ___________ .
a) First Nations
b) Collective Rights
c) Minorities
d) Policies

. To the First Nations peoples, the ____________________ are historic, binding legal documents that help preserve their culture and status.
a) Flying ravens
b) Numbered treaties
c) Minorities
d) Assimilate

Which of the following is not one of the four basic economic questions
a) What goods and services should be produced
b) How should the goods and services be produced
c) Who runs the system
d) How should the goods and services be distributed.

What do governments collect for social programs?
a) Payments
b) Dues
c) Taxes
d) Duty

Which of the following is an “underground economy,” which functions in secret from the government?
a) Black Market
b) Illegal Activity
c) Smugglers
d) Taxes

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