Striped Pajamas Chp 17, 18 And 20 Question Preview (ID: 42849)

Striped Pajamas Chp 18 And 20. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why wasn't Samuel at eh fence for 2 days
a) Looking for the missing dog
b) Looking for his friend
c) Looking for his father that went missing
d) None

What regrets do the y boys have about their friendship
a) They were always reading
b) They were not physically playing together
c) They were always fighting
d) None

What plan do the boys make?
a) Bruno should come home early
b) Go in the fence to play with each other
c) And also find Shmuel's Father
d) All

What do Bruno's family do after he disappears?
a) Mother stays in Berlin
b) Gretel cries
c) And father stays in Out-with
d) All

Do you like the ending of the story? Why
a) No i don' t like the story
b) -
c) -
d) -

How do you feel at the end?
a) Don't like the book
b) -
c) --
d) -

Do you feel sorry for Bruno's father? explain
a) Yes, because his father blames himself
b) None
c) none
d) None

Bruno says his mother is unhappy at Out-with . Why do you think so?
a) Bruno's mother does not like the Out-with because of what they are doing to the Jews
b) The behaviour is unacceptable
c) She didn't mind that they hurt the Jews
d) None

What do Bruno's parents argue about?
a) It is not safe for the kids to live there
b) She can't stand the place anymore
c) All
d) None

How is his mother behaving
a) His mother is drinking
b) Crying
c) sleeps quite a lot
d) All

What decision does Bruno's father make?
a) That they should divorce
b) Mother should go back to Berlin with the kids
c) All
d) None

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