Energy Review Question Preview (ID: 42844)

Energy Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Heat causes an increase in ___________energy, which causes the molecules to vibrate more rapidly.
a) kinetic
b) potential
c) mechanical
d) magnetic

Moving molecules make things
a) cool down
b) heat up
c) slow down
d) stay the same

Heat flows from warm objects to colder objects until both objects are at
a) equilibrium
b) expansion
c) thermal
d) conducation

What form of energy causes an ice cube to melt?
a) mechanical
b) heat
c) magnetic
d) sound

What is the primary source of energy on Earth?
a) The Sun
b) The Moon
c) water
d) rocks

Which of the following is the best insulator?
a) copper
b) aluminum
c) gold
d) wood

Thermal energy is transferred through a material by the collision of
a) waves
b) crystals
c) atoms
d) light

Energy is transferred from the sun to Earth mainly by
a) mechanical waves
b) air currents
c) electromagnetic waves
d) conduction

Which material is the best conductor of heat and electricity?
a) wood
b) metal
c) stone
d) plastic

Thermometers measure _______ not heat.
a) cold
b) temperature
c) conduction
d) convection

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