Anne Frank Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 42835)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The act of surrendering or yielding
a) Capitulation
b) Courteous
c) Conspicuous
d) Domestic

Present only in small amounts; less than necessary or normal
a) Ration
b) Sparse
c) Sobered
d) Scoff

To leave a country or region to live elsewhere
a) Insufferable
b) Paralyze
c) Loathe
d) Emigrate

Morally despicable; physically repulsive; of little worth or account
a) Domestic
b) Vile
c) Courteous
d) Scoff

Obvious to the eye or mind; meant to attract attention
a) Capitulation
b) Courteous
c) Conspicuous
d) Emigrate

A particular amount of something
a) Ration
b) Sparse
c) Unabashed
d) Dignified

Very polite in a way that shows respect
a) Conspicuous
b) Domestic
c) Dignified
d) Courteous

to make powerless, unable to function, act, or move
a) Ration
b) Sparse
c) Paralyze
d) Absurd

Not embarrassed or ashamed about openly expressing strong feelings
a) Unabashed
b) Sobered
c) Absurd
d) Insufferable

Having or showing a very serious attitude, calmed, quieted
a) Sobered
b) Dignified
c) Domestic
d) Courteous

to dislike greatly an often with disgust or intolerance
a) vile
b) insufferable
c) scoff
d) loathe

Serious and formal, showing respect or proper behavior
a) Dignified
b) courteous
c) sobered
d) domestic

too unpleasant to deal with or accept
a) insufferable
b) vile
c) loathe
d) absurd

extremely silly, foolish, or unreasonable; simply ridiculous
a) Vile
b) Absurd
c) Paralyze
d) Conspicuous

Relating to work that is done in a person's home
a) sparse
b) ration
c) dignified
d) domestic

to show great disrespect with mocking laughter or behavior
a) unabahed
b) vile
c) scoff
d) insufferable

synonyms are: distinguished, noble, proud, stately, reserved, serious, proper
a) dignified
b) domestic
c) courteous
d) capitulation

synonyms are: unapologetic, shameless, brazen, bold, audacious, unconcerned
a) ration
b) insufferable
c) vile
d) unabashed

synonyms are: foul, unpleasant, horrid, dreadful, appalling
a) conspicuous
b) capitulation
c) courteous
d) vile

synonyms are: light, poor, scant, skimpy, scarce, limited, insufficient, lacking
a) emigrate
b) ration
c) sparse
d) paralyze

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