SEM 1 UNIT 4 Question Preview (ID: 42819)

Final Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is a responsibility of a sports facility?
a) make the team win
b) have a clean city
c) saftey
d) none of the above

How is a team promoted
a) all above
b) athlete profiles
c) statistics
d) photographs

What is an example of a company pricing objective?
a) creating profits
b) offering lowest price
c) offering the most discounts
d) prices that the customer think are fair

Why would companies make prices below the normal rate
a) to increase revenue
b) to get the most profit
c) maximize participation
d) to get less participation

When is penetrating pricing used?
a) it is not used
b) group into different segments for customers
c) to set prices higher than competition
d) when introducing new products

What is an example of an adequate facility?
a) long concession stand lines
b) more bathrooms for women than men
c) only two bathrooms in a large stadium
d) not enough water fountains

What sense does aesthetics refer to?
a) touch
b) sight
c) taste
d) sound

What is an example of a tangible benefit
a) Fun with friends
b) A wrist strap on a surfboard
c) Family time
d) sense of achievement

What is the difference between a benefit and value?
a) They are basically the same thing with little difference
b) A benefit is how much the event cost and value is the price of the ticket
c) A benefit is the amount of satisfaction and value is an advantage
d) A benefit is an advantage and value is the amount of satisfaction

How do compaines determine price?
a) what the market will bear
b) what the employess think is a good price
c) Based on competition
d) they randomly chose it

What is an example of an elastic product?
a) gas
b) food
c) demand for skiing
d) medicince

What factors go into the total cost
a) just the ticket
b) the ticket and additional fees like parking and drinks
c) just Parking and drinks
d) just programs and souvenirs

When is yield management used?
a) when introducing a new produt
b) when capacity is limited
c) when there is competition
d) when the game is sold out

What is the main feature of a sports product
a) speactators
b) coaches
c) trainers
d) atheletes

What makes sports games unique?
a) They are entertaining
b) The outcome is always the same
c) They are unpredictable
d) They are cheap

Who determines what gets published
a) the audience
b) the company being advertised
c) the editor
d) the writer

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