Unit 12: Clowns Can't Dance Question Preview (ID: 42818)

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near or next to
a) distant
b) divided
c) adjacent
d) remote

sharing the same properties
a) akin
b) dissimilar
c) different
d) unlike

honest and straightforward, without holding back unpleasant truths (direct and blunt)
a) evasive
b) dishonest
c) deceitful
d) candid

to hold the attention of as if under a spell
a) enthrall
b) bore
c) repel
d) dislike

Over time, the water will _____ the shoreline, washing the sand downstream
a) reinforce
b) erode
c) strengthen
d) assist

unwilling; reluctant
a) ready
b) eager
c) willing
d) loath

sad; gloomy; unhappy
a) happy
b) cheerful
c) melancholy
d) excited

to think about something carefully; to consider
a) mull
b) alert
c) quick
d) jump to conclusions

able to move easily and quickly (Jack be ______, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over the candlestick)
a) clumsy
b) unflexible
c) insecure
d) nimble

All of her work began to _______ her, causing her to struggle with her studying.
a) calm
b) overwhelm
c) collected
d) cool

to treat with extreme kindness or generosity
a) pamper
b) neglect
c) forget
d) mislead

something fake or false
a) truth
b) reality
c) sham
d) nonfiction

to avoid or get out of doing work
a) helpful
b) shirk
c) togethernes
d) volunteer

a person's employment, job, or calling
a) hobby
b) practice
c) wrath
d) vocation

to have a strong and earnest desire
a) yearn
b) dislike
c) dread
d) hate

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