Unit 2 Sect 1 Part 5 Question Preview (ID: 42815)

US History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

method under which members of the legislative branch form into smaller groups to facilitate such business as considering proposed legislation and holding investigations
a) committee system
b) lobbying
c) cabinent
d) federalism

tax on imports designed to discourage their sale and favor the development of domestic inquiry
a) excise tax
b) land tax
c) protective tariff
d) school tax

tax levied on the production, transportation, sale or consumption of goods and services
a) excise tax
b) commercial tax
c) school tax
d) land tax

bank chartered by the federal government
a) national bank
b) state banks
c) federal bank
d) community banks

part of Hamilton's financial plan; called for the new federal government to tae over and pay off American Revolution war debts of Continental Congress and states
a) assumption plan
b) national bank
c) neutrality
d) foreign policy

the group of officials who head government departments and advise the President
a) FBI
b) Congress
c) advisors
d) cabinet

attempting to influence legislation by supporting politicians that represents their interests
a) neutrality
b) reformers
c) lobbying
d) political party

purchase by the United States of the Louisiana territory from France in 1803
a) Gadsden Purchase
b) Louisiana Purchase
c) Homestead Act
d) Napoleon's treaty

legislation passed that made it more difficult to become a citizen and and easier to deport non-citizens who threaten national security. It also made it easier to arrest individuals who criticize the government.
a) Monroe Doctrine
b) Civil Rights Act
c) Homestead Act
d) Alien and Sedition Acts

policy statement of President James Monroe in 1823 warning nations of Western Europe not to interfere with the newly independent nations of Latin America
a) moral diplomacy
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) Alien and Sedition Acts
d) noninvolvement

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