Unit 10: I See Both Sides Question Preview (ID: 42813)

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lasting for a long time, maybe forever
a) changing
b) permanent
c) settled
d) done

very angry; furious (how your mother might be when you don't clean your room)
a) friendly
b) decent
c) irate
d) kind

the killing of one person by another
a) accident
b) homicide
c) truthful
d) suicide

to argue in a petty, back-and-forth manner,, especially about a price
a) compromise
b) settle
c) haggle
d) comfort

a rapid spread or increase in the occurrence of something, like a disease
a) stay still
b) helfpul
c) get better
d) epidemic

the settlement of a disagreement by having each side give up something
a) compromise
b) argue
c) disagree
d) don't care

Don't rock the boat or it will ________.
a) stay afloat
b) capsize
c) stop moving
d) walk away

one who is not tolerant of people who are different (to be prejudiced)
a) helpful
b) nice
c) bigot
d) friend

I _______ upon you this medal of honor (to give as an honor or present as a gift)
a) take away
b) work
c) forget
d) bestow

to settle a disagreement between two parties after hearing both views
a) arbitrate
b) walk away
c) drone
d) dislike

She is filled with so much _________ that she does't even care that her bf is moving. (a lack of interest or concern)
a) happiness
b) apathy
c) anger
d) joy

to make an enemy of; to stir up anger or dislike
a) antagnozize
b) help
c) befriend
d) assist

to continue steadily in an action; to refuse to stop or be changed; to last; remain
a) done
b) finish
c) stop
d) persist

to speak wildly and violently
a) rant
b) drone
c) cry
d) stop

intense anger (fear his/her wrath)
a) pleasant
b) kind
c) wrath
d) smart

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