Unit 2 Sect 1 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 42800)

U.S. History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was America's first best seller and persuaded public opinion for independence?
a) Common Sense- Thomas Paine
b) Articles of Confederation
c) Mayflower Compact
d) House of Burgesses

Which right was based on the John Peter Zenger case?
a) trial by jury
b) natural rights
c) The Right to Bear Arms
d) Freedom of the Press

prohibited colonial settlement west of Appalachian Mountains- colonist hated this
a) Intolerable Acts
b) Proclamation of 1763
c) Townshed Acts
d) Treaty of Paris

Which colonies had a climate that was cold and has soil that was rocky and not so great for farming?
a) New England
b) Southern
c) Middle
d) Western

the first American constitution; it was weak as it gave too much power to the states
a) Bill of Rights
b) Articles of Confederation
c) Declaration of Independence
d) Preamble to Constitution

economic system based on the belief that a strong nation was built on establishing colonies to help the mother country acquire raw materials and serve as a place to sell its goods. (Raw materials and markets)
a) domino theory
b) militarism
c) mercantalism
d) commerce theory

manner in which England governed the American colonies in the late 1600s and early 1700s, marked by weak enforcement of laws regulating colonial trade
a) colonialism
b) mercantalism
c) monarchy
d) salutary neglect

agreement signed by Pilgrims before landing at Plymouth
a) Mayflower Compact
b) Bill of Rights
c) charter
d) Articles of Confederation

Which philosopher inspired natural rights?
a) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
b) Montesquieu
c) John Locke
d) Thomas Jefferson

system of government in which voters elect representatives to make laws for them
a) dictatorship
b) representative government
c) direct democracy
d) Parliament

rights that all people are entitled to from birth
a) constitutional rights
b) bill of rights
c) civil rights
d) natural rights

requires a person to be brought before a court to determine whether that person is being lawfully jailed
a) constitutional law
b) habeas corpus
c) trail by jury
d) due process or law

Ben Franklin’s attempt to get the colonies to unite into one – colonists rejected this plan because they feared the loss of self-government.
a) Articles of Confederation
b) Albany Plan of Union
c) Intolerable Acts
d) Iroquois Confederacy

nation in which voters choose representatives to govern them
a) dictatorship
b) democracy
c) Parliament
d) republic or representative democracy

system of government in which supreme authority rests with the people, either directly or through elected representatives
a) democracy
b) dictatorship
c) republic
d) Parliament

transportation by force to European colonies in Western Hemisphere of Africans to be sold as enslaved people (triangular trade voyage)
a) Middle Passage
b) The Long Journey
c) Trail of Tears
d) migration

transatlantic trade among three regions; in particular in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries with cash crops from colonies, manufactured goods from Europe, and enslaved people from West Africa
a) capitalism
b) mercantalism
c) triangular trade
d) barter system

person who worked in the colonies for period of three to seven years in exchange for passage, food, housing, clothing; system resulting from labor shortages in colonies
a) indentured servant
b) chattel slavery
c) domestic slavery
d) laborer

Which group wanted independence from Britain?
a) Torries
b) Patriots
c) Loyalists
d) Iroquois

Which of the following is NOT a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
a) prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territories
b) no power to tax
c) no national currency
d) no President

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