Geo Grade 8 Question Preview (ID: 42795)

Geo Grade 8. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does Equinox mean
a) Equal night
b) It is the exact date when the length of
c) Day and night is the same number of hours
d) all

Equinox occurs when
a) 21 March
b) 23 September
c) The earth's axis neither turns towards or away from the sun
d) All

Equinox is associated with
a) Spring
b) Autumn Seasons
c) All
d) None

What is the solstice
a) Dates of the year when one hemisphere has the longest hours of daylight
b) The opposite hemisphere has the shortest day hours
c) All
d) None

when does the solstice occur
a) 21 December - Sun directly above Tropic of Capricorn
b) 21 June - Sun directly above Tropic of Cancer
c) Solstices are associated with Summer and Winter seasons
d) All

Why are there changes in the angle of midday Sun
a) Sun reaches its highest point at noon
b) This height is dependent on where the earth is into relation to the sun
c) All
d) None

When does the sun reach its highest point in the Northern hemisphere
a) 21 June
b) 21 December
c) None
d) All

When does the sun reach its highest point in the Southern hemisphere
a) 21 June
b) 21 December
c) Both
d) None

Season changes cause length of day and night
a) In June northern hemisphere furthest from equator (long hours of sunlight)
b) Southern hemisphere will receive less sunlight
c) All
d) None

Places closest to the equator
a) Remains constant throughout the year
b) Receive similar amounts of heat in every season
c) All
d) None

What do satellite images look like
a) Images are not photographs
b) Satellite images are made from a collection of DATA obtained
c) Computers processes this data and produce images
d) All

Satellite images provide us with -______
a) Information about earth,
b) Weather conditions, soil erosion
c) Land use, water availability and vegetation
d) All

Who can interpret weather satellite images
a) A trained meterologist
b) A scientist
c) Everbody
d) None

What is climate
a) General weather conditions
b) Of the atmosphere a place can expect
c) All
d) None

What is weather
a) The day to day conditions of the atmosphere
b) The rain and hail we experience
c) None
d) all

What is Climate Region
a) A large area that has similar climate conditions
b) Each region has a particular kind of climate
c) All
d) None

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