SEM Review 2018 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 42790)

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A physical activity that is governed by a set of rules and is often engaged in competitively.
a) Wrestling
b) Entertainment
c) Sports
d) Industrialization

This athlete is someone who is NOT paid to play a sport. All University and College sports are played by these athletes.
a) professional athletes
b) industrial athletes
c) consumer athletes
d) amateur athletes

These athletes are paid to play a sport as a form of entertainment:
a) professional athletes
b) industrial athletes
c) consumer athletes
d) amateur athletes

Professional athletes will usually belong to a player’s association. What is another term for a player’s association?
a) labor union
b) industrial organization
c) market union
d) consumer organization

This is a common negotiation strategy in which the players refuse to go to work:
a) Injunction
b) Lockout
c) Strike
d) Embargo

This occurs when the owners of a team refuse to allow their players to work:
a) Injunction
b) Lockout
c) Strike
d) Embargo

This is an athlete who has proven to be among the best at their respective positions in their sports. They will be highly recruited by professional teams.
a) amateur athlete
b) professional athlete
c) industrial grade athlete
d) blue chip athlete

These activities are perceived as having a high level of inherent danger. They often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and specialized gear or spectacular stunts:
a) professional sports
b) industrial sports
c) extreme sports
d) recreational sports

This term is used to describe the growth of international economic relationships.
a) Infrastructure
b) Industrialization
c) Globalization
d) Automation

Which of the following is NOT considered to be an extreme sport?
a) mountain climbing
b) rock climbing
c) Skateboarding
d) Badminton

The primary purpose of recreational sports is:
a) raising money
b) selling concessions
c) Participation
d) Industrialization

This has been defined as the essence of who you are and is what you are like on the inside.
a) Principles
b) Character
c) Ethics
d) Attitude

A system of deciding what is right or wrong in a reasoned and impartial manner.
a) Principles
b) Empathy
c) Ethics
d) Perseverance

The rules and high standards that serve as guidelines in both business and personal life.
a) Principles
b) Empathy
c) Ethics
d) Perseverance

This is what you think about a situation and the way you approach it.
a) Principles
b) Character
c) Ethics
d) Attitude

The act of being kind and courteous to others. Acting and speaking with modesty.
a) Honesty
b) Respectful
c) Loyalty
d) Cooperation

Someone who can be trusted to do the right thing. No cheating, no shortcuts, no excuses.
a) Honesty
b) Respectful
c) Loyalty
d) Cooperation

Being faithful to others. No talking behind someone’s back
a) Honesty
b) Respectful
c) Loyalty
d) Cooperation

Acting with eagerness, interest, and passion.
a) Enthusiasm
b) Empathy
c) Loyalty
d) Cooperation

The ability to work well with others and as a team
a) Enthusiasm
b) Empathy
c) Loyalty
d) Cooperation

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