Science Grade 8 Question Preview (ID: 42786)

Science Grade 8. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Oil has less mass than water
a) False
b) True
c) No
d) -

Oil is less dense than water
a) False
b) No
c) True
d) -

When particles bump against the sides of a container cause a phenomenon called______
a) State change
b) Gas pressure
c) Liquid pressure
d) Condensation

If gases is heated
a) Gains more energy
b) The particles move faster
c) Particles will collide
d) All

If a gas is cooled
a) It will move slower
b) It will have less energy
c) all
d) None

When are there physical changes
a) When the solution changes
b) When chemical properties substance does not change
c) When there is too much energy lost
d) None

What is the chemical reaction
a) When normal changes take place
b) When we get a chemical change in substances
c) When there is too much pressure
d) None

How do we know a chemical reaction has taken place
a) There has been a colour change
b) A Gas has formed (when bubbles appear)
c) When a solid has formed
d) All

Sometimes chemical changes can be
a) Smelled
b) Can be felt e.g. heat
c) can be heard
d) All

What is called before a reaction takes place
a) Situation
b) Reactants (before situation)
c) Movement
d) None

What is called after a reaction takes place
a) Situation
b) Products (after situation)
c) None
d) Movement

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