Prometheus Review Question Preview (ID: 42743)

This Game Reviews The Myths Prometheus And The Odyssey. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What type of mythological creature was Prometheus?
a) Prometheus was a titan.
b) Prometheus was a Greek goddess.
c) Prometheus was a siren.
d) Prometheus was a cyclops.

Who did Prometheus decide to challenge?
a) He decided to challenge his brother Epimetheus.
b) He decided to challenge Athena.
c) He decided to challenge the humans.
d) He decided to challenge Zeus.

Why did Prometheus disagree with Zeus?
a) Zeus wanted to give humans fire. Prometheus did not.
b) Prometheus did not feel bad for humans. Zeus did.
c) Prometheus pitied humans. Zeus did not.
d) Prometheus wanted to give humans water. Zeus did not.

Which of the following statements is true?
a) Zeus believed the humans were made to worship.
b) Prometheus believed the humans were made to worship.
c) Zeus believed the humans were deserving of fire for sacrifices.
d) Prometheus believed only some humans were worthy of fire.

Prometheus snuck up to Mount Olympus, and he ___.
a) fought with Zeus.
b) stole food and clothing for the humans.
c) made a deal with Zeus.
d) stole fire for the humans.

What was a negative aspect of humans obtaining fire?
a) They could cook their food.
b) They could go to war.
c) They could build shelter.
d) They could stay warm.

Zeus was filled with ___ when he looked down and saw the humans using fire.
a) fear
b) pleasure
c) pity
d) rage

What was the end result of Prometheus' disobedience?
a) He was sent to the underworld.
b) He was destroyed by Zeus.
c) He had to make sacrifices.
d) He was chained to a rock and tortured by vultures.

Promtheus was tortured for centuries until ___ saved him.
a) Hercules
b) Apollo
c) Demeter
d) Polyphemus

Which of the following is a theme for Prometheus?
a) True friends support you.
b) When you fail, try again.
c) Always plan ahead.
d) Disobedience has consequences.

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