Physical Science Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 42742)

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Which type of light behavior explains the color of an object and bounces back to our eyes?
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Absorption
d) Scattering

When a straw looks broken in a glass it's because of
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Transmission
d) Absorption

What type of wave does sound travel in?
a) Transverse
b) Longitudinal
c) S-waves
d) Perpendicular

If you cannot see through an object it is
a) Transparent
b) Translucent
c) Opaque

Stained glass lets some light through it's described as
a) Transparent
b) Translucent
c) Opaque

Which type of wave moves perpendicular or up and down to the medium?
a) Light, transverse waves
b) Light, longitudinal waves
c) Sound, s-waves
d) Sound, longitudinal waves

What happens to energy if a wavelength is shorter?
a) Increased energy
b) Decreased energy
c) Nothing
d) Energy lessens

What type of wave does sound travel in?
a) Transverse
b) Longitudinal
c) S-waves
d) P-waves

What part of a compressional wave has atoms close together?
a) Rarefaction
b) Conduction
c) Compression
d) Crest

What affects the loudness of a sound?
a) Frequency
b) Amplitude
c) Pitch
d) Wavelength

What is a p-wave?
a) First wave to arrive, longitudinal
b) First wave to arrive, transverse
c) Second wave to arrive, longitudinal
d) Second wave to arrive, transverse

Which statement is true about sound?
a) Travels fastest in solids because of the increased distance in atoms.
b) Travels slowest in solids because of the decreased distance in atoms.
c) Travels fastest in gasses because of the increased distance in atoms.
d) Travels slowest in liquids, because it is fluid.

Sound is a mechanical wave, which means it requires what?
a) Speed
b) Frequency
c) A medium
d) Ideal temperature

If a wave has a shorter wavelength, what can be said about its frequency?
a) Its low
b) Its not related
c) Its high
d) Its slow

What type of wave travels parallel or the same direction as the medium?
a) Light, tranverse
b) Sound, longitudinal
c) Sound, transverse
d) Light, longitudinal

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