Amendments And Government 2 Question Preview (ID: 42700)

2nd Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Rights not listed in the Constitution belong to the people.
a) 1
b) 3
c) 7
d) 9

The police have to show this to a judge before getting a warrant.
a) good idea
b) probable cause
c) nothing

Which amendment states that Powers not spelled out in the Constitution are reserved to the states, or people?
a) 4
b) 9
c) 10

Which branch of government makes laws?
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial

Which branch of government enforces our laws?
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial

What are the two parts of our Congress?
a) The Station and the House
b) The Supreme Court and the White House
c) The President and the Vice President
d) The Senate and the House of Representatives

The _____________is elected by eligible United States citizens who vote and by the Electoral College system
a) Pope
b) Principal
c) Participant
d) President

Which branch has the President?
a) Executive
b) Judicial
c) Legislative

Which branch has the Supreme Court?
a) Executive
b) Judicial
c) Legislative

Which branch interprets the laws?
a) Executive
b) Judicial
c) Legislative

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