Final Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 42572)

Second Half Of The Final Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a monsoon?
a) a type of bird only found in the Congo Rainforest
b) seasonal winds that often bring rain to Southern Asia during the summer months
c) a brief, but heavy thunderstorm
d) a light drizzle of rain, perfect for cooling off a hot afternoon

What is population density?
a) the degree of compactness of a substance
b) a measure of how many people can read in a country
c) dividing the mass of the population by the volume
d) measure of how many people per square mile in a country or city. Tells how crowded an area is

What is reincarnation?
a) the belief that once people die they turn into dust
b) the belief that when people die they either go to heaven or hell
c) a belief in some religions that person's soul is reborn into another life
d) a belief that rocks are people too

What does it mean for a body of water to be navigable?
a) to be passable by boat or able to be traveled by boat
b) the body of water is shallow enough that a person can walk across the bottom to dry land
c) a body of water that is covered completely in ice
d) the surface of the water is so smooth that boat planes can easily land

Who is Ho Chi Minh?
a) the communist leader of Vietnam's independence movement
b) the communist leader of China
c) the leader of Japan during WW2
d) the communist leader of North Korea during the Korean War

What does it mean to be nomadic
a) a way of life that involves living in your parents basement
b) a way of life that involves moving from place to place, usually searching for pastures or grass for animals
c) a way of life that involves following a touring band from one location to the next
d) a way of life that involves moving to a remote region of the world and sustaining oneself from the land alone.

Who was Nelson Mandela?
a) The leader of the United States civil rights movmenet
b) the first black president of South Africa. Fought against the unfair system of Apartheid
c) the leader of the Indian Independence Movement.
d) Creator of the Pan-African Movement

Who was Mao Zedong
a) the communist leader of Vietnam's independence movement
b) the president of Japan during WW2
c) the first black president of South Africa. Fought against the unfair system of Apartheid
d) communist leader of China who started the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution programs

What is Civil Disobedience?
a) relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns
b) undermining your friends when they ask you to keep a secret
c) disobeying your parents when they ask you to do something
d) the act of purposely and peacefully disobeying laws that are unfair as a form of protest

What is Capital Investment
a) investment or spending on tools, machinery, and manufacturing plants, to increase productivity and profits
b) the act of purposely and peacefully disobeying laws that are unfair as a form of protest
c) an organization that tries to control world oil prices
d) when the government invests in buying homes for cats

What is a refugee?
a) a person who is hiding in caves from the government
b) a person who flees from their country because of persecution, war or violence
c) an individual who leaves their country because they don't like the president
d) another word for vegan

What is Confucianism?
a) the belief that Jesus saved us from our sins
b) developed in China, sees a peaceful society through practicing good manners, respect for elders and observing honored rituals
c) a religion that believes that Muhammad is the last and most important profit of God
d) yin and yang describes how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent

What is OPEC
a) Original Pet Economic Consumers, a company that gives sells original designer clothes to wealthy animals
b) Optic Perception of Epic Concerts, a company that provides 3D glasses to concert attendies
c) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which tires to control the prices of oil, world wide
d) Organization of Pepsi Exporting Countries, which tries to control the prices of Pepsi, world wide

What is Hinduism?
a) developed in China, sees a peaceful society through practicing good manners, respect for elders and observing honored rituals
b) an ancient religion of India that believes in many gods, reincarnation, karma, and characterized by a caste system
c) the belief that Jesus saved us from our sins
d) a religion that believes that Muhammad is the last and most important profit of God

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