WW1/WW2/Global Depression - SES7 Question Preview (ID: 42566)

World Wars And Global Depression. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Censorship, mass arrests, and a secret police force are most characteristic of what type of government?
a) constitutional monarchies
b) republics
c) parliamentary democracies
d) totalitarian regimes

The harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I laid the foundation for what?
a) The rise of fascism in Germany
b) Uprisings during the French Revolution
c) Division of Germany
d) Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

What effect did Stalin’s “Great Purge and reforms, from 1934 to 1939, have on the people of Russia?
a) eliminated the army's role in the community
b) replaced agricultural workers with technology
c) brought about the death of millions of people
d) expanded agriculture while harming the industrial economy

Fascism in Europe, during the 1920’s and 1930’s, is best described as what?
a) A demonstration of laissez-faire capitalism that promoted free enterprise.
b) A form of totalitarianism that glorified the state above the individual.
c) A type of economic system that stressed a classless society.
d) A set of humanist ideas that emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual.

What was one reason why the Fascist governments of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler came to power in Italy and Germany?
a) Both nations faced economic and political difficulties
b) Both nations failed to join the League of Nations
c) Both nations supported civil liberties for all
d) Both nations were threatened by the United States

Which was a major reason for the success of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe after World War II?
a) Eastern Europeans accepted the doctrine of Pan-Slavism
b) The democracies of Western Europe needed greater security
c) Western Europeans feared that Nazism would be rekindled in Eastern Europe
d) The Soviet Union had military forces in Eastern Europe as a result of World War II

In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy, and Spain was largely the result of what?
a) The success of the Communists in establishing a command economy in the Soviet Union
b) Severe economic and social problems that arose in Europe after World War I
c) The active support of the United States
d) Movements demanding the return of the old monarchies

What were the imperialist policies adopted by Japan following World War I focused on?
a) convert people to Shinto
b) acquire markets for its oil industry
c) compete with Chinese trade policies
d) obtain natural resources for manufacturing war materials

On which two fronts did Germany fight during World War I?
a) Russia to the east and Italy to the south.
b) France to the west and Belgium to the north.
c) Russia to the east and France to the west.
d) Switzerland to the south and Russia to the east.

What was the Zimmermann Note?
a) The German policy of attacking all ships entering or leaving Great Britain
b) Wilson’s speech detailing reasons why the United States should remain neutral
c) A note left behind by a suicide bomber in Serbia
d) A proposal by a German official that Mexico attack the United States in return for territory

Which of the following groups of words best characterizes the causes of World War I?
a) Imperialism, Nationalism,Militarism and Alliances
b) Communism, Fascism and Socialism
c) Individualism, Humanism, Imperialism and Secularism
d) War, Boom and Bust

What was the result of the violence and destruction that occurred during WWII?
a) Expansion of colonial empires in Africa
b) Formation of the United Sates
c) Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
d) Unification of Germany

Based on the events listed below, which was the last to occur and bring the end of WWII?
a) German invasion of Poland
b) Russian defense of Stalingrad
c) United States bombing of HIroshima and Nagasaki
d) Japanese invasion of Manchuria

During the 1930s and 1940s, ehat policies did Nazis in Germany and Fascists in Italy support?
a) national and racial supremacy
b) worldwide communist revolutions
c) international peacekeeping efforts
d) economic cooperation in Europe

What forces made up the Axis powers?
a) Japan, France, and Germany
b) Great Britain, France, United states
c) Japan, Italy,Germany
d) Japan, Soviet Union, Germany

Which two countries became superpower nations following WWII?
a) Italy and Germany
b) Germany and Japan
c) The United States and Great Britain
d) The United States and the Soviet Union

How does propaganda relate to nationalism?
a) Propaganda asks nations to go to war
b) Propaganda scares people into fighting their enemy
c) Propaganda convinces people to have pride and loyalty to their nation
d) Propaganda persuades people to join the military

What was the immediate result of trench warfare?
a) An easy victory for the Allied Powers
b) Massive deadlock
c) Fewer casualties on both sides
d) An easy victory for the Central Powers

In 1939, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany as a direct result of what German action?
a) Occupation of the Rhineland
b) Seizure of France
c) Invasion of Poland
d) Invasion of your mom

During WW! which alliance were France, Russia and Great Britain members of?
a) Allied powers
b) Eastern Block
d) Central Powers

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