Aquatic Biome Review Question Preview (ID: 42564)

Aquatic Biomes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a limiting factor of aquatic ecosystems
a) amount of sunlight
b) amount of salt
c) amount of oxygen
d) amount of precipitation

Which aquatic biome consists of fast-moving freshwater with high concentrations of dissolved oxygen?
a) Stream
b) River
c) Lake
d) Pond

Which aquatic biome consists of slow-moving freshwater with high levels of sedimentation and nutrients?
a) Stream
b) River
c) Lake
d) Pond

Which aquatic biome consists of large, deep bodies of freshwater in which sunlight does not reach the bottom?
a) Stream
b) River
c) Lake
d) Pond

Which aquatic biome consists of small, shallow bodies of freshwater often filled with plant matter?
a) Stream
b) River
c) Lake
d) Pond

Which aquatic biome occurs where a river meets the ocean?
a) Estuary
b) Intertidal Zone
c) Coral Reef
d) Seashore

Which aquatic biome occurs on rocky or sandy shorelines in which organisms live in pools of water exposed at low tide?
a) Estuary
b) Intertidal Zone
c) Coral Reef
d) Aphotic Zone

Which term refers to the region of the open ocean where sunlight does not penetrate?
a) Intertidal Zone
b) Coral Reef
c) Photic Zone
d) Aphotic Zone

Which term refers to the region of the open ocean where sunlight reaches?
a) Intertidal Zone
b) Coral Reef
c) Photic Zone
d) Aphotic Zone

Which aquatic biome occurs along the margins of continents in warm, shallow saltwater?
a) Estuary
b) Intertidal Zone
c) Coral Reef
d) Open Ocean

Which of the following aquatic biomes would have the highest salinity?
a) Streams
b) Lakes
c) Ponds
d) Estuaries

Which of the following is NOT a saltwater biome?
a) Seashore
b) Lake
c) Ocean
d) Coral Reef

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