DNA Question Preview (ID: 42554)

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DNA resides in this organelle
a) Mitochondria
b) Endoplasmic reticulum
c) Ribosomes
d) Nucleus

What percentage of human DNA is identical to all other humans?
a) 50
b) 60
c) 85
d) 99

Which nitrogen base pairs with thymine?
a) Adenine
b) Guanine
c) Cytosine
d) Thymine

Which nitrogen base pairs with guanine?
a) Adenine
b) Guanine
c) Cytosine
d) Thymine

Why can Ancesory.com find out everything about you using just a few cells from your cheeks?
a) Every body cell has identical DNA.
b) Cheek cells are the only cells that contain your entire genetic code.
c) They can’t. They’re just making stuff up.
d) Cheek cells are easy to dissect.

What does DNA stand for?
a) Do not admit
b) Dynamite Napoleon Axis
c) Deoxyribonucleic Acid
d) Deoxyglucosenucleic Acid

What is the backbone of DNA made of?
a) Phosphate and deoxy
b) Phosphate and sugar
c) Potassium and sugar
d) Potassium and deoxy

How many times could my DNA reach the sun and back if it were unraveled?
a) 1
b) 50
c) 300
d) 1000

A small section of DNA is a ____.
a) chromosome
b) nucleus
c) gene
d) phenotype

Our traits are determined by the order of ______.
a) Nitrogen base pairs
b) chromosomes
c) nuclei
d) phenotypes

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