Keystone Biology Review 1 Question Preview (ID: 42499)

Review For Keystone Exam 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which characteristic is shared by both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
a) A. have organ systems
b) B. make their own food
c) C. contain genetic material
d) D. need oxygen gas to breathe

Why are nonnative species often considered a disturbance in an ecosystem? BIO.B.4.2.4
a) a. They increase mutations.
b) b. They compete for resources.
c) c. They have special growth needs.
d) d. They cause increased biodiversity.

A species of snapping turtles has a tongue that resembles a worm. The tongue is used to attract small fish. Which best describes the interaction between the fish and the snapping turtle?
a) predation
b) symbiosis
c) competition
d) parasitism

Which example describes a mutualistic relationship between organisms? BIO.B.4.2.2
a) Young wasps prey on caterpillars
b) Crabs eat the remains of dead fish
c) Ants protect a tree on which they feed
d) Tapeworms feed on food in the intestines of cats

The function of which human organ is most like the cell walls of bacteria?
a) Heart
b) Liver
c) Pancreas
d) Skin

Which of the following is a property of water that allows an insect to walk on the surface of water?
a) Solubility
b) Cohesion
c) High Specific Heat
d) Low Freezing Point

Which characteristic is shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms?
a) The ability to reproduce asexually
b) The ability to make their own food
c) The need for a source of energy
d) The need for oxygen for respiration

Life functions are performed at many levels of biological organization. Which level of biological organization is the simplest level at which a structure can support life function?
a) Cells
b) Tissue
c) Organelle
d) Organ System

Cells are largely made of organic compounds that contain carbon. Which property of the carbon atom makes it an essential component of organic compounds?
a) Carbon is a nonmetal
b) Carbon oxidizes to carbon dioxide
c) Carbon is solid at room temperature
d) Carbon can form four covalent bonds

Plants cells use sunlight to make their own food. Which structure allows plant cells to perform this function?
a) Nucleus
b) Vacuole
c) Chloroplast
d) Mitochondrion

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