The First Five Presidents - USI.7C Question Preview (ID: 42466)

The First Five Presidents - USI.7C. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_____________ and the first five presidents made decisions establishing a strong government that helped the nation grow in size and power.
a) Congress
b) Parliment
c) The people

All of the first five presidents were Virginians except _______________.
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) James Monroe

During George Washington's presidency, the federal ________ system was established
a) court
b) currency
c) judicial
d) Congress

The Bill of____________ was added to the Constitution of the United States of America in 1791.
a) Freedoms
b) Liberties
c) Religion
d) Rights

Plans were created for development of the ______________ in Washington, D.C. Benjamin Banneker, an African American astronomer and surveyor, helped complete the design.
a) Capital building
b) national capital
c) White House

Under which president did a two-party system emerge?
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) James Madison
d) James Monroe

Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana from _________ (Louisiana Purchase).
a) Great Britain
b) France
c) Spain

Lewis and Clark explored new land __________ of the Mississippi River.
a) north
b) south
c) east
d) west

The War of l812 caused European nations to gain _________ for the United States.
a) fear
b) frustration
c) respect

James Monroe introduced the Monroe Doctrine warning ____________ nations not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere.
a) African
b) Asian
c) Middle Eastern
d) European

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