Email Writing Question Preview (ID: 42455)

This Game Is To Help Students Match Salutations And Closing Paragraphs With The Appropriate Situations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are ways that E-mail can save you time?
a) Contacts are saved in one location and I don't have to look them up
b) I can delete multiple e-mails at the same time
c) Both of the Above
d) None of the Above

Can you create contact groups?
a) Yes
b) No
c) I am not sure

In Confidential E-mails, should you discuss personal Information about an Employee
a) Yes
b) No
c) Yes, but it must be encoded or encripted
d) Not Sure

What can happen if you open an e-mail from an unknown sender?
a) Scams
b) Malicious Software
c) Phishing
d) All of the Above

What is the advantage to using a Calendar Online?
a) Organize Contacts in one central spot
b) You can link them across various platforms in one spot
c) Appointments can alert on you on your phone
d) All of the Above

Which of the following is the best advantage of learning how to properly write an email?
a) It doesn't
b) A proper E-mail will more likely get a respond
c) The way an E-mail is phrased doesn't matter as long as they reply and I know what I did wrong or can fix
d) A properly sent e-mail will answer the question I have asked and help me know what I did or didn't do

What are the top three E-mail providers?
a) Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo
b) Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail
c) Gmail,AOL,Outlook
d) Gmail,AOL,Comcase

Which of the following is an advantage of E-mail?
a) Productivity
b) Easier to Mange Compared to Snail Mail
c) Privacy
d) All of the Above

What should you do before hitting Send on an email?
a) Confirm all information is correct
b) Proofread for grammar and spelling
c) Confirm all attachments have been actually made
d) All of the above.

Which of the following is not a part of an email address
a) User Name
b) Domain
c) File extension
d) @

What is a domain name?
a) first part before the @
b) a name providers randomly choose
c) a name assigned to the provider by the FCC (Federal Communication Comission)
d) The name after the @

Which of the following sounds more Professional?
a) The meeting is scheduled for December 5th at 9:30 a.m. All students must attend. Your project updates are needed.
b) Required meeting—Dec 5, 9:30 a.m. Updates needed. See ya there. :)
c) Just meet me there
d) I got something going on and can't attend

What is an attachment?
a) Legal seizure of property
b) Linking two things together
c) A computer File sent along with an email
d) The feeling with have about a persons reply to an email

Which of the following would be the best to include in an email to a teacher asking about a makeup assignment
a) Can you please....
b) Yo man do me a favor...
c) I would be grateful...
d) Just give me some help!

Who would you be emailing if you concluded with the word: Love,
a) Friend from 6th grade
b) Parent
c) Boss
d) Teacher

How would you close an email asking about a job?
a) Thanks!!!
b) I look forward to...
d) Awesome

Match this phrase with the one that makes sense the most sense: This is just a quick note to say...
a) ...I missed you the last time you dropped by.
b) ...Let me know if I'm not available.
c) bring a colleague with me.
d) ...that I'll be a little late tomorrow.

Who would you write a formal e-mail to?
a) Parents
b) Grandparents
c) Teacher
d) A Person you need something from

You just won an award and are excited to tell your grandmother about it, how could you start that email?
a) Dear
b) To whom it may concern
c) I hope
d) Sorry to write out of the blue

You are writing an email to ask about a job, but don't know who answers the emails. How should you start it?
a) Hi,
b) To whom it may concern,
c) This is because...
d) Dear...

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