African Thunderstorm Question Preview (ID: 42450)

English. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Provide synonyms or synonyms phrases for Sinister line 12
a) cruel
b) evil
c) happy
d) sly

Provide synonyms or synonyms phrases for Din line 18
a) happy
b) sad
c) loud noise/racket
d) none

Provide synonyms or synonyms phrases for Stately line 10
a) fast
b) scary
c) slow and steady
d) mild

Which word in the final stanza tells us that there was heavy rainfall
a) Raindrops
b) Drizzle
c) Pelting
d) Storm

Why would the children respond to the storm with delight?
a) They are afraid of the rain
b) They enjoy playing in the rain
c) The rain will scare them
d) Too much lightning

How are the clouds described in stanza 2 and what image do we get of the clouds?
a) The clouds are pregnant
b) They perch on the hill
c) Raining
d) Number 1 and 2

2 words from stanza 1 that create a negative picture of the storm
a) sharply, plague
b) mad man, chasing
c) tossing
d) All of the above

Provide 1 example of onomatopoeia in stanza 1
a) Swirl
b) circle
c) Whirling
d) Around

Identify and explain figure of speech in line 5
a) Simile word like
b) compared to plague of locusts
c) bunch of clouds
d) All of the above

Why do you think Rubadiri chose to write the poem
a) He thinks it is good and dangerous
b) He is also african
c) Knows how it can be
d) All of the above

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