SAT Vocab Week 10 Question Preview (ID: 42418)

SAT Vocab Week 10. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to talk very loudly, even wildly; rave
a) rant
b) zealous
c) pretentious
d) soporific

claiming or pretending to be more important
a) austere
b) confounding
c) pretentious
d) disputatious

lacking liveliness; flat; dull
a) reprove
b) pernicious
c) vapid
d) prodigal

to pacify; to subdue; to quiet down
a) quell
b) sycophant
c) zealous
d) confounding

lightness of mind, character, or behavior; lack of appropriate seriousness
a) levity
b) austere
c) prodigal
d) pernicious

likely to dispute or argue
a) soporific
b) reprove
c) disputatious
d) prodigal

wasteful, extravagant
a) zealous
b) vapid
c) soporific
d) prodigal

severely simple; without ornamentation; showing self-control when it comes to going without luxuries or frills
a) austere
b) detached
c) rant
d) sycophant

puzzling; baffling
a) pernicious
b) prodigal
c) confounding
d) levity

very destructive or harmful; causing ruin
a) pernicious
b) pretentious
c) quell
d) confounding

aloof; indifferent
a) detached
b) soporific
c) reprove
d) prodigal

causing sleep; sleepy
a) pernicious
b) levity
c) sycophant
d) detached

to speak in a disapproving manner; to scold
a) disputatious
b) vapid
c) soporific
d) detached

a person who tries to get what they want by excessively praising or complimenting someone
a) sycophant
b) reprove
c) disputatious
d) austere

filled with enthusiasm; fervent
a) detached
b) zealous
c) pretentious
d) rant

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