7th Grade Vocabulary Test Question Preview (ID: 42396)

Practice Vocabulary For 7th Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

this word means life, but is not Bio
a) vital
b) chlorophyll
c) aquatic
d) hemisphere

Green pigment inside a plant cell that gives the plant a green color
a) chlorophyll
b) chloroplast
c) vital
d) spir

organelle inside a plant cell that is responsible for making food for plant
a) chloroplast
b) chlorophyll
c) vital
d) spir

the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth; the air
a) atmosphere
b) Protist
c) Biosphere
d) Vital

First type of organism to exist contains only one cell
a) Protist
b) pro
c) proto
d) photo

The study of living things
a) Biology
b) geology
c) astronomy
d) Chemistry

Part of the world that contains life
a) biosphere
b) geosphere
c) cryosphere
d) mesosphere

Part of the earth containing water
a) Hydrosphere
b) aquaticsphere
c) mesosphere
d) Aqua--Man

Of in or pertaining to water
a) aqua/aquatic/hydro
b) troposphere
c) mesosphere
d) exothermic

Half of the earth
a) hemisphere
b) biosphere
c) aqua-sphere
d) half-o-sphere

Lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere
a) troposphere
b) geosphere
c) biosphere
d) exosphere

A scientist that studies the Earth
a) Geologist
b) Biologist
c) cardiologist
d) Radiologist

Layer of the atmosphere that contains the ozone layer
a) Stratosphere
b) exosphere
c) geosphere
d) biosphere

The study of the Earth
a) geology
b) indothermic
c) very hott
d) ashes

a chemical change that is accompanied by a release of heat
a) exothermic
b) biology
c) chemistry
d) physics

The uppermost layer of the atmosphere
a) exosphere
b) stratosphere
c) troposphere
d) geosphere

Between continents
a) transcontinent
b) aquatic
c) vital
d) hetero

Allowing only some light to pass through
a) transluscent
b) transcontinental
c) biology
d) vis

that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
a) evidence
b) visual
c) hetero
d) biology

Of or relating to the eyes
a) visual
b) evidence
c) exothermic
d) eye ball it

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