Principles Of Engineering Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 42393)

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Small pencil drawings that depict one’s ideas, showing some detail, done quickly are called ____.
a) Working drawings
b) sketches
c) concept sketches
d) comprehensive sketches

Taking the best ideas placing them into one final outcome produces the ___.
a) optimal solution
b) optimus solution
c) best fit solution
d) best fit outcome

A products life cycle is
a) how long the product will work before breaking
b) from development, manufacture, use
c) from development, manufacture, use and decay

A group activity used to generate ideas which is spontaneous, without criticizing any suggestions provided is called ____
a) brainstorming
b) studying
c) product development
d) research

Reliability means...
a) the product works
b) the product functions
c) the product works properly and consistenly
d) the product works only sometimes

Manufacturability means...
a) to build
b) to build a product of high quality
c) that a product should be difficult to make so it can't be copied
d) that a products building process is refined and able to be completed in a reasonable time and effort.

Quality means...
a) a product is made with high end materials and processes
b) a product is made as cheaply as possible
c) a product is made as expensively as possible
d) A product is made quickly to release it to the public fast

A scaled replica of a final product made with moderately high end materials. non-functional.
a) mockup
b) prototype
c) model

Ergonomics Means...
a) a product is good for the environment
b) a product is economically sound
c) a product is designed with the human body in mind
d) a product works as it was designed to

Function means...
a) how well a product fulfills its purpose
b) if a product works consistently
c) if a product is safe to use
d) If a product fulfills a need

Aesthetics means...
a) a products function
b) a products looks
c) a products safety
d) a products ease of use

the frist product made. made with real materials, fully functional
a) prototype
b) model
c) mockup

A true size copy of a product made with cheap materials semi functional
a) prototype
b) mockup
c) model

Testing a product through a computer test run is called a...
a) test run
b) real world test
c) simulation

The process of redoing steps to achieve the best possible out come
a) iteration
b) design process
c) repetitive design

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