Lujan Rock Cycle Question Preview (ID: 42387)

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Mount Everest formed when two tectonic plates collided. Which of the following processes lead to the formation of Mount Everest?
a) uplift
b) erosion
c) weathering
d) subsidence

Over time, repeated cycles of heating and cooling can cause a rock to crack. The rock may then break into smaller pieces. What is this process called?
a) weathering
b) deposition
c) precipitation
d) condensation

Slate is a metamorphic rock that forms from shale, which is a sedimentary rock. Which of the following would be needed for slate to form from shale?
a) heat and pressure
b) weathering
c) erosion and deposition
d) melting and solidification

Which change of state takes place when an igneous rock forms?
a) liquid to solid
b) solid to liquid
c) liquid to gas
d) gas to liquid

Granite forms when liquid magma slowly cools within Earth’s crust. If the granite is exposed to intense heat and pressure, it can change to gneiss. Which type of change takes place when granite turns into gneiss?
a) Igneous rock changes to metamorphic rock.
b) Sedimentary rock changes to metamorphic rock.
c) Metamorphic to igneous
d) sedimentary to igneous

Rocks and sediment change their form as they move through the rock cycle. Which change involves melting?
a) rock to magma
b) magma to rock
c) lava to magma
d) lava to rock

Over a long period of time, igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock. What must happen to igneous rock before it can change into sedimentary rock?
a) it must be exposed to high pressure and temperature.
b) It must melt and become magma.
c) Its minerals must be dissolved in water.
d) It must be broken down into sediment

Which rock type is made from heating and cooling?
a) igneous
b) metamorphic
c) sedimentary
d) hard rock

What type of rock is made from the cementing and compaction of sediment?
a) sedimentary
b) igneous
c) metamorphic
d) magma

Igneous rocks that have large crystals are called
a) extrusive
b) intrusive
c) foliated
d) non foliated

In which of the following would you expect to find fossils?
a) sedimentary
b) igneous
c) metamorphic
d) magma

How would you change sedimentary rock into sediments?
a) weathering and erosion
b) heat an pressure
c) lots of heat
d) cementation and compaction

How would you change sediments into metamorphic rock?
a) lots of heat and pressure
b) lots of heat and a little pressure
c) lots of pressure and a little heat
d) weathering and erosion

Which type of rock has two types, fast cooling and slow cooling?
a) igneous
b) metamorphic
c) sedimentary
d) Blah

If you find a rock with crystals formed in layers it is most likely
a) foliated metamorphic rock
b) un foliated metamorphic rock
c) foliated igneous rock
d) un foliated igneous rock

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