Embedding Quotes--Citations Question Preview (ID: 42379)

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How do you know when the title is a book versus a short story?
a) A book is capitalized while an article is in parentheses.
b) A book is italicized while an article is underlined.
c) A book is underlined (or italicized) and an article is in quotations.
d) A book is in quotations and an article is underlined.

Which of the following does NOT belong:
a) Use quotations at strategically selected moments in your writing.
b) Quote the entirety of a sentence, not just parts of a sentence.
c) Elaborate on evidence instead of merely summarizing it.
d) Use an active voice and strong verbs.

Who is the publisher? - Ferguson, Jamie and Pike, John. The Secret of the Cosmos. London: The Eye, 2018. Web.
a) London
b) The Eye
c) PIke and Jamie
d) 2018

What is the name of the book? - Ferguson, Jamie and Pike, John. The Secret of the Cosmos. London: The Eye, 2018. Web.
a) The Secret of the Cosmos
b) Ferguson and Pike
c) The Eye
d) London: The Eye

How would the citation look? - Ferguson, Jamie and Pike, John. The Secret of the Cosmos. London: The Eye, 2018. Web.
a) (Jamie and Pike 87).
b) (Ferguson and Pike, 87).
c) (Jamie + John 87)
d) (Ferguson and Pike 87).

Who is the author of the following? - Ferguson, Jamie and Pike, John. The Secret of the Cosmos. London: The Eye, 2018. Web.
a) Jamie and John
b) The Eye
c) Ferguson and Johnd
d) Ferguson and Pike

A sentence should NOT be started with a quotation, unless context has been included.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following words should NOT replace -said- when using a quote?
a) -stresses-
b) -summarizes-
c) -writes-
d) -confirms-

Which of the following citations is correct?
a) (Smith + Johnson, 38).
b) (Smith and Johnson, 38).
c) (Smith and Johnson 38).
d) (Smith + Johnson 38).

What is the definition for the word CONTEXT?
a) Contributing to the full meaning.
b) Using appropriate citations.
c) Another name for the publishing company.
d) A game or competition play with several teams.

What are the words -web- and -print- called at the end of a Works Cited entry?
a) Origin
b) Medium
c) Publisher
d) Title

You must always use an in text citation when summarizing, paraphrasing, and directly quoting.
a) True
b) False

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