Protein Review Question Preview (ID: 42344)
Review Protein Concepts.
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Your body turns extra protein your body don't need into..
a) energy
b) fat
c) calcium
d) amino acids
Proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and ....
a) nitrogen
b) calcium
c) sodium
d) iron
this protein malnutrition results in the body looking like a skeleton; caused by unintentional severe starvation
a) negative nitrogen balance
b) anorexia
c) kwashiorkor
d) marasmus
this protein malnutrition results in the body looking bloated or pot-belly; caused by unintentional starvation
a) kwashiorkor
b) marasmus
c) bulemia
d) positive nitrogen balance
All of the following are functions of proteins except...
a) provides energy
b) builds and repairs muscle tisse
c) insulates the body
d) involved in the creation of hormones and antibodies
Protein has __calories per gram
a) 8
b) 4
c) 10
d) 12
Protein is found in all the following plant sources except...
a) rice
b) nuts
c) seeds
d) beans
All of the following are reasons people choose to be vegan except...
a) religious reasons
b) financial reasons
c) health reasons
d) animal abuse reasons
What food group is the primary source of protein?
a) meats
b) vegetables
c) dairy
d) fruits
Females need protein because...
a) it helps build muscles
b) it helps with calcium absorptions, which prevents osteoporosis
c) it aids with weight loss
d) it provides iron, which is needed due to menstration
This cooking technique is a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar, along with heat.
a) Caramelization
b) Baking
c) Maillard reaction
d) Sous vide
The only plant based protein source that is a complete protein is...
a) soybeans
b) spinach
c) bananas
d) broccoli
A substance that stabilizes a mixture that don't normally mix (like oil and water)
a) emulsifier
b) enzymes
c) amino acid
d) nitrogen balance
Peanuts, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, lima beans, chickpeas, etc are called what in the nutrition world?
a) fiber beans
b) vegetarians
c) incomplete proteins
d) legumes
Proteins missing or short in one or more amino acids in it's chain are called..
a) complete proteins
b) incomplete proteins
c) amino acid chains
d) vegetarian proteins
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