Endangered Birds Question Preview (ID: 42216)
Endangered Birds.
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Why did the California Condor become endangered?
a) Hunters shot and poisoned them.
b) They were hunted for their feathers.
c) New predators came and killed them.
Why did the kakapo become endangered?
a) New predators came and killed them.
b) They were hunted for their feathers.
c) Hunters shot and poisoned them.
Why did the short-tailed albatross become endangered?
a) They were hunted for their feathers.
b) Hunters shot and poisoned them.
c) New predators came and killed them.
How did humans help the kakapo?
a) They moved them to an island without predators.
b) They protected their islands.
c) They hand-fed the chicks using condor puppets.
How did humans help the California condor?
a) They hand-fed the chicks using condor puppets.
b) They moved them to an island without predators.
c) They protected their islands.
How did humans help the short-tailed albatross?
a) They protected their islands.
b) They moved them to an island without predators.
c) They hand-fed the chicks using condor puppets.
True or false: endangered and extinct mean the same thing.
a) False
b) True
Why have people today never seen the greak auk?
a) They are extinct.
b) They are endangered.
c) They are not in any zoos.
Why are albatrosses still in danger?
a) The volcanic island might erupt.
b) People are still hunting them.
c) There are many predators on their island.
Why did scientists hand feed the condors with puppets?
a) So they could learn to live with other condors and not rely on humans.
b) They thought the puppets were cute.
c) They thought the condors would like the puppets.
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