LifeSci Chapter 14 Question Preview (ID: 42169)

LifeSci Chapter 14. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A mammal whose young develop in a pouch.
a) marsupial
b) monotreme
c) amphibian
d) ectothermic

A period of slowed life processes that permits certain animals to survive for winter conditions.
a) hibernation
b) estivation
c) monotreme
d) marsupial

An organism that eats plants.
a) herbivore
b) carnivore
c) estivation
d) hibernation

A period of slowed life processes that permits certain animals to survive hot, dry weather.
a) estivation
b) hibernation
c) ectothermic
d) endothermic

Able to maintain a constant body temperature by internal means; warm-blooded.
a) endothermic
b) ectothermic
c) carnivore
d) herbivore

Not able to maintain a constant body temperature by internal means; cold-blooded.
a) ectothermic
b) endothermic
c) estivation
d) hibernation

A flexible supporting tissue that makes up part or all of some animals' skeletons.
a) cartilage
b) umbilical cord
c) yolk
d) molt

An organism that eats other animals.
a) carnivore
b) herbivore
c) ectothermic
d) endothermic

An ectotherm vertebrate that usually lives in water when young by may live on land as an adult.
a) amphibian
b) carnivore
c) herbivore
d) monotreme

To shed scales, feather, fur, or an exoskeleton.
a) molt
b) cartilage
c) estivation
d) hibernation

A mammal that reproduces by laying eggs.
a) monotreme
b) marsupial
c) yolk
d) amphibian

The structure that connects a developing embryo to the placenta and that has blood vessels for the exchange of food, wastes, oxygen, and carbon dioxide with the morther.
a) umbilical cord
b) yolk
c) cartilage
d) molt

Food material stored in an egg to nourish the embryo.
a) yolk
b) cartilage
c) umbilical cord
d) molt

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