US History EOC Review Question Preview (ID: 42156)

EOC Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why was Hawaii important to America
a) it was a tropical paradise
b) it was the sole source of sugarcane
c) it was rich in minerals, timber and oil
d) it was a site of a critical refueling station

From what part of Europe did most immigrants come during the late 1800's
a) Scandanavia
b) The British Isles
c) Eastern and Southern Europe
d) Northern and Western Europe

What is the name for a social system with no economic classes and no private property
a) radicalism
b) capitalism
c) communism
d) conservatism

What were Populism's main legacies?
a) Populism had no lasting effect upon American life
b) by opposing the interests of small farmers, Populists helped speed the rise of urban areas
c) Populism showed that impoverished people could organize to have an impact upon the national political system
d) it showed that the eastern financial establishment would always support the political aspirations of impoverished farmers

Why was building the Panama Canal across Central American important to the US Navy
a) It needed a faster way to travel amoung US imperial possessions
b) it needed a faster way to reach its European allies
c) it needed to prevent Spain from regaining control in Central Amercia
d) it needed to make money to build new ships

What does the Fourteenth Amendment guarantee to anyone born in the US
a) the right to vote
b) equal protection under the law
c) the obligation to perform military service
d) eligibility to run for president

Which of these statements best summarizes how the Civil War changed life in the North and South?
a) both regions suffered equal damage
b) The South's way of life was almost destroyed
c) life in the North was not changed by the war
d) Slavery still supported the Southern economy

What Southern laws were designed to keep freemen in a slave-like condition?
a) Race Codes
b) Black Codes
c) Labor Codes
d) Johnson Laws

What was one effect of the railroads on growth of the US
a) many Eastern cities decreased in size as their citizens left for the Midwest
b) Railroads provided rapid transportation of people, raw materials, farm produce and finished products
c) because of unfair pricing schemes and corporate conduct the spread of railroads inhibited the growth of the US
d) The construction of railroads caused a great demand for iron, coal, steel, lumber and glass, depleting the nation's resources

Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle helped lead to which of the following?
a) the Elkins Act
b) The Hepburn Act
c) The Meat Inspection Act
d) The Newlands Reclamation Act

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