6th - East Asia And Australia Question Preview (ID: 42123)

Australia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who were the first people to live in Australia?
a) Aboriginal
b) Unoriginal
c) Indians
d) English prisoners

South Korea has a higher GDP than North Korea because
a) South Korea is a communist country
b) South Korea has a dictator
c) North Korea is a capitalist economy
d) South Korea has a free enterprise economy

Another name for Ayers Rock is
a) Billabong
b) Uluru
c) Boomerang
d) Didgeridoo

England originally colonized Australia for what purpose?
a) to spread the Christian religion
b) to gain access to a spice trade route
c) to become a larger nation
d) to gain resources and create a penal colony

What type of economy does South Korea have?
a) free enterprise
b) laissez faire
c) command
d) underdeveloped

How did the East Sea and South Sea impact China?
a) both helped with trade and the economy
b) they kept China isolated
c) they prevented trade between China and India
d) they led to the split between Pakistan and India

Buddhists and Hindus both believe in
a) reincarnation
b) one god
c) no gods
d) the caste system

China controls their population by
a) making religion illegal
b) not allowing marriage
c) limiting the number of children a woman may have
d) forcing the first born son to leave the country

The country with the strongest influence on Asian culture has been
a) China
b) North Korea
c) Vietnam
d) Japan

Which country colonized both India and Australia?
a) the United States
b) England
c) Japan
d) China

The culture and religion within Asia could best be described as
a) very diverse
b) not very diverse
c) all believing the same thing
d) a democracy

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