Magnet Vocab Quiz Question Preview (ID: 42116)

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Any object that attracts the metal iron
a) magnet
b) magnetic pole
c) magnetic force
d) magnetic field

A place on a magnet where the force it applies is the strongest
a) magnet
b) magnetic poles
c) magnetic force
d) magnetic fields

The invisible field that surrounds a magnet.
a) magnets
b) magnetic poles
c) magnetic force
d) magnetic fields

A force of attraction or repulsion between the poles of two magnets.
a) magnets
b) magnetic poles
c) magnetic force
d) magnetic fields

Force that brings two materials together
a) attraction
b) repulsion

The force that pushes two materials away from each other
a) attraction
b) repulsion

The source of Earth's magnetic field
a) Aurora
b) Compass
c) Magnetic North

The needle acts like a magnet and is attracted to Earth's magnetic north
a) aurora
b) compass
c) repulsion

Charged particles from the sun collide with other elements in the atmosphere causing lights in the sky near the poles (Northern Lights)
a) compass
b) repulsion
c) aurora

Any material that is strongly attracted to magnet
a) compass
b) aurora
c) repulsion
d) magnetic material

Elements that have an attractions to magnets
a) ferromagnetic elements
b) aurora
c) comass
d) magnet

A region in a magnetic material in which the magnetic fields all point the same direction
a) magnetic domain
b) temporary magnet
c) compass

A magnet that quickly loses its magnetic field after being removed from a magnetic field
a) temporary magnet
b) permanent magnet

A magnet that remains a magnet after being removed from a magnetic field
a) temporary magnet
b) permanent magnet

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